

  • Name: Akou
  • Surname: Connell
  • About Me: Born in northern Ontario to parents with roots in Woodstock, N.B. and Nice, France, my early childhood was spent globetrotting between Canada, Australia, and France. We finally settled in the Maritimes, where most of my elementary and high school years were spent. I attended university at St.F.X. (B.A. in English Lit), Ryerson (year one of Interior Design), McGill (M.A. in English Lit), and SFU (course in book editing). I've lived in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. I've worked in the private sector as a freelance magazine editor, ESL tutor, tech writer, team leader, marketing writer, partner in a small communications firm, and as managing editor for Goose Lane Editions. I've worked in the public sector in communications units at Service Canada, Transportation Development Centre, and Statistics Canada. I now lead artsnb's dynamic team in Fredericton, N.B. Coming home to New Brunswick has been meaningful for me - I'm raising my children closer to my family, who mean the world to me. I've remarried and grown my family. And since moving home, I've found work that is meaningful, purposeful, energizing, and creative - work that feeds the soul. I'm profoundly fortunate, and humbled by the quality and quantity of amazingly dedicated, creative, and caring people I come into contact with every day.
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