

  • Name: Anthony
  • Surname: Carollo
  • About Me: Anthony Carollo is the president of Stewart Title of Spokane and oversees the company’s two offices, one downtown and one on Spokane’s North Side. He has been with Stewart Title of Spokane since it was founded in 2004. Anthony has worked in the title-insurance industry since 1988. Before becoming a title-office manager in 1999, he held positions both as a title officer and as a marketing representative. He spent four years during the first part of the 2000s managing a title company in Corvallis, Ore., and has spent the balance of his career in the Spokane market. A long-time supporter of the real estate and homebuilding industries, Anthony received a President’s Award from the Spokane Home Builders Association in 2009 and earned the Spokane Association of Realtors’ Affiliate of the Year honor in 1998. Also, he began serving on the Spokane County Planning Commission in January of 2010. Opinions expressed are my own and not those of Stewart Title of Spokane or of Stewart Title.
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