- Name: Byron
- Surname: Ceasar
- Location: Kansas City, MO
- About Me: Honestly, you'll just have to read my blog to become aquatinted with me. An array of adjectives could be used to describe me, however, you only need to know the basics. I'm a biracial male adonis who lives in Kansas City (Missouri NOT Kansas) and just finished grad school. HA! Ok, I'm not arrogant enough to refer to myself as an adonis, however, I do feel comfortable in saying that I have a lot of quality thoughts about a variety of topics. And when I say a variety, I mean it! This blog is meant to chronicle my life after grad school and will include my experiences, random thoughts, and ideas on topics that may range from the infamies "What is the purpose of life?" question to the impeccably refreshing meal I just ate (I love food so this is less of a may and more of a will).
Essentially, I'm writing to write (or talk to talk if it is a video blog). You have the choice to read or not. If the topic interests you read it, if it doesn't, don't.
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