- Name: Exclusive
- Surname: Dj2wins
- Location: Akure ondo state
- About Me: Yure 100% welcome to an official celebrities Fans Page of #DJ2wins.The renowned & Famous Disc Jockey(DJ) in which they were known for setting the pace 4 Hip hop music in the country-Fbk like page- DJ2wins #BIOGRAPHY #Ogunmuyide Taiwo & kehinde(Twins),was Born to a Nigerian Father and mother, from birth Dj life became immersed with music. As far as #DJ2wins remembers, it was here that they embraced the sounds of music, and began thinking of ways to ensure music would play a pivotal role in their lifestyle. However it was never just one genre that managed to intrigue our ‘Magic Finger’. From the diverse range of music surrounding them,DJ2wins became captivated by sounds from afro beats, to classical, to jazz, to hip hop, to rock, and the list goes on. Until you see those spin doctor in action one would not be able to fully appreciate what they meant when it is said, ‘What #Dj2wins brings is not just an image, it is in fact a God given them talent’ and that They are not just a Dj, but engulfs the presence of a born entertainer.We remember telling our friends in school that we were going to be in the entertainment business, and they would just laugh at us…’ #Dj2wins remarks with a cheeky grin, ‘and look at us now’, it has been a long time coming but finally, it seems, originality and creativity is being brought back into music and the entertainment arena. #DJ2wins has a great love for ICT, of which they allows to influence their performances. Besides playing popular commercial or contemporary music, #DJ2wins is no musical snob. If the track is a good sound, they’ll play it, and if you haven’t heard it before, be assured they will be one of the first DJ’s to bring it. At present DJ2wins resides in Nigeria.. Hotline. 08105289697
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