

  • Name: Jarrett
  • Surname: Wilson
  • Location: Right here - normally Sherman, TX
  • About Me: About me - my name is Jarrett, but people call me...Jarrett. I have a five year old daughter named Quinn and a weiner dog mix named Lily. Aside from this info, you will learn much about me from my blog entries and - I started this blog soon after having a brain hemorrhage in the pons region of the brainstem. Initially, this blog was a means for me to keep everyone updated on my medical situation. As my condition has improved there hasn't been as much of a need to broadcast my medical news. I still do that, but most of my entries are musings about life with a TBI. "Cavern of my mind" relates to the name of the lesion that caused the hemorrhage - cavernous malformation or cavernoma for short.
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