

  • Name: J.M.
  • Surname: George
  • About Me: J.M. George is an entertainment and freelance writer, published author, poet, and wordsmith with material that has been both performed and published. As an accomplished writer, most of her work is geared but not limited to human relationships (life, love) as well as all things entertainment, poetry and web content. As an entertainment writer she has done album, concert and movie reviews as well as “on the spot” entertainment news. Her freelance work has covered a vast range of topics (e.g. event planning). She can be as expressive as they come and will breathe life into a topic and give you a clear depiction of a situation. Writing gives her the freedom needed to say what’s on her mind and in my heart and get a true understanding of others. Her focus is to deliver a simple yet powerful message for her readers. The most satisfying part of it all for her is to know that the reader can relate, or that it has touched them in some way. Stay connected… Twitter: Lyrical_Jo Website: Also I have 2 published books: LINGUISTICS OF A LADY: and The erotica poetry book LIBIDO: Check it out!! "Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise." - Maya Angelou
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