

  • Name: David
  • Surname: Johnston
  • Location: Murrieta, CA
  • About Me: I specialize in the “practical implementation” of what’s called “narrow AI.” Basically, I simply monetize artificial intelligence in ways that both save money and have the potential to generate enormous revenue. My philosophy in life is related to a well-known neural science idea that was actually made famous long before by President Roosevelt. “Reality is Perception” This applies in business far more than most think. It is greatly tied to the concept that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” If you translate that to business realm it could be worded “value is in the eye of the buyer.” No matter how much money your company spends tracking everything, generating reports and spending millions on your in-house data science team, if they can’t turn all that effort into tangible value “in the eyes of customers,” it was all for nothing.
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