

  • Name: Raymond
  • Surname: Overton
  • Location: Jacksonville, IL.
  • About Me: I appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself and share my journey with you. It appears we already have something in common, the Internet. My name is Raymond Earl Overton, Sr. I’m 58 years old and was raised in a small town in the Midwest. I truly believe that we as a people should remove our selfish views of keeping knowledge solely for ourselves without reaching out to share with others. I believe in the BIG PICTURE! However, I’m just a piece of the puzzle, but with inspiration, God’s will and assistance from resources like the Millionaire Operation System (MOS) and Wealth Master International (WMI), the puzzle will eventually be complete. Let me tell you a little more about myself, at the young age of 15, I crossed paths with an older gentleman that had a vision to start his own business, a janitorial service. He must have seen some positive characteristics in me, because he offered me a job. As time went by, he entrusted more responsibility to me which included driving and learning the route. As a one person operation he was not able to place emphasis on marketing the business through public relations. The business started to grow and more employees were needed. I was able to refer these job opportunities to some of my childhood friends, and for a young person, that was very rewarding. Unfortunately, when tax time came, employees started to inquire about their w-2 forms. On their behalf, I went to the residence of our owner, only to be surprised by viewing a completely abandoned house. Yes, he had moved out of town without notice. As a young man, that was my first encounter and reality check with the business world. I decided to use this unfortunate but good learning experience as motivation to pursue and obtain my next employment opportunity as a restaurant cook. At the age of 17, I fathered my first child. His mother and I named him Raymond Earl Overton Jr. That was a proud and happy time in my life. However, we were under age and not married, along with the fact that my mother and hers disliked each other. I was very angry when her mother changed my son’s last name, until we finally were married. I worked from 3:00am to 12:00pm, went to school from 1:00pm to 3:30pm and received credit toward my diploma based on my job. I also was an athlete, and played sports my senior year. On January 23, 1973, I had to make the difficult decision to either continue my education or support my family full time, I chose family. However, only months after being married, my wife left me for an older man with more money, which resulted in divorce. As a believer in the constitution of marriage, at the age of 19 I remarried and was blessed with another son. I interviewed and was offered a better job at a power plant, and the future was promising until I turned the age of 23. I experienced some complications regarding the growth of my feet, which resulted in reconstructive surgery being necessary on my toes for both feet. In 1982, I had a serious motorcycle accident traveling at a high rate of speed without a helmet. I truly believe God has a greater plan for me, because I could never have recovered from amnesia, temporary blindness, head and back injuries and did I mention, revived three times from the brink of death. After my recovery in 1983, the marriage didn’t survive the infidelity that occurred. We tried to reconcile, but after five more years the marriage finally was terminated. In 1984, I relocated to Dallas, Texas and enrolled in a computer training center to enhance my knowledge. After successfully completing the training, I was placed in a data entry position. I worked diligently in this capacity for two years, sitting behind a desk performing repetitive tasks. A desire to continue looking for my calling led me to pursue trucking school. Once again I was able to meet the requirements needed to graduate in 1986, and my life as a trucker begins. During my travels in the trucking business, I met a young lady from Newark New Jersey in 1999. We experienced an instant connection, shared common goals, and had mutual respect for each other. I asked her to join me in my home town of Jacksonville, Illinois and she accepted the life challenge. I continued to drive semi-trucks until 2006, and then I accepted a position at EMI Record Distribution Company. The economy started to have a negative impact on factories, resulting in downsizing and the elimination of jobs. Again, my versatility and faith was tested and I had to seek other employment opportunities. In 2007, I was hired at Casey’s General Store, where I am still currently employed. At the beginning of my story I made a statement about the BIG PICTURE, and how I personally perceive reality. Faith, Effort and Sharing, reflect my views as a member on this universe. We as a people must live among, and learn from, one another. That’s what Millionaire Operating System “MOS” and Wealth Master International “WMI” provides the marketing resource of life, and the opportunity to meet and work with people. I thank all that visited my website and hope “MOS and WMI” will help in every way. The Internet is a great place to meet new people and get your business in front of thousands of people who are ready to find that right business opportunity. We are an Internet marketing business with some great options… I would love to connect with you. I am typically only a phone call or email away and am looking forward to being a part of helping you to fulfill your dreams and goals in….. Thank you, Raymond Overton
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