

  • Name: Richard
  • Surname: Niemeyer
  • Location: Carbondale, Illinois
  • About Me: Richard Niemeyer is an Information Systems Management expert and is currently completing his doctoral degree at Walden University in Business Administration with a specialization in Information Systems Management. The topic of Mr. Niemeyer’s doctoral research study is the influence of social media on real-time business intelligence systems. The goal is to develop a model that leads to the next generation of business intelligence systems. Mr. Niemeyer obtained his BA from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in Management Information Systems, earning a Masters Degree in Information Systems Management at the University of Phoenix. Currently, Mr. Niemeyer is working to start-up a consulting firm name ITME, Inc. after accumulating 25 plus years of diverse industry experiences in both, for-profit and non-profit organizations with a variety of different business leadership roles. Mr. Niemeyer is currently working with his wife of 33 years, Patricia Niemeyer, MBA, to start ITME, INC. Mr. Niemeyer lives in Carbondale, Illinois, a rural area located about 90 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Niemeyer is a writer, author, speaker, educator, and an IT Consultant.
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