

  • Name: mohammad
  • Surname: salim
  • Location: chitagong
  • About Me: about my self. I’m Mohammad Salim living Bangladesh in Chittagong i m servic holder of Abul Khair Group, Thanks all for visit my web site. I wants this type web site, where you Introduce Electrical and Electronics Engineering Industries related subject. But unfortunately I am not found those type web sites. As well as I can was. My won name is this web site, title. But I think that I am not very popular familiar to other person. this web site there I was a alternative name for my web site which is If anybody interested this web site click (for you live) and then you enter this web site, foryoulive“ this title is a way to enter visitor in this site, in this web site you find different types of article, advertisement, love. Romance, news paper, software, country information, animation, how to earn money information, online shopping link, etc. But major subject is electrical and electronics and those subject related problem and solution. Thank you,
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