

  • Name: Sarah
  • Surname: Diligenti
  • Location: Bethesda, Maryland
  • About Me: Former Academic Director at Alliance Francaise de Washington, taking some time off to enjoy my 16 1/2 year old daughter before she spreads her wings and flies away from the nest to college and helping my 22 year old son discover that being Aspie does not mean being retarded... I love Life with its Ups and many Downs. I love my family, my cats, my friends. I love reading, writing, thinking and day dreaming. I love music and cinema, History and Politics, American, Russian, French and Middle Eastern Literature, poetry and Nature. I garden, harvest, can, pickle, make jams, soups and stews and believe, like Candide, that "one must take care of one's garden". I am an activist: fighting for women's rights, children's rights, human rights and nature's rights...
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