- Name: Valentina
- Surname: Cirasola
- About Me: I have been in designing business for most of my adult life. My career started as a fashion designer and continued as an interior designer. At one point in my life, I decided to make a huge leap, went across the pond from Europe and got established in the USA.
I have designed and produced just about everything: clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, beautiful homes, home décor, cafe', restaurants, food and a lot more will come, I am sure. There is no sign I want to quit anytime soon.
I am the author of five published books, available at Amazon http://goo.gl/xUZfk0
and Barnes&Noble http://goo.gl/q7dQ3w - where you will find my design book on the subject of colors: ©RED-A Voyage Into Colors - Second Edition
and the latest travel narrative: ©The Road To Top Of The World.
Here you can read my three blog columns of which I am the author https://valentinaexpressions.com
My two passions, fashion, and interiors have helped me making a superb living, but then I love colors and colorful food. People describe me as "the colorist".
Oh, yes, I like all the colors! Nothing around me is dull and boring.
I color my clients' homes when they allow me, otherwise, they will keep on living in a dull environment. However, regardless of their color preferences, I love them all, even if they like beige tones.
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