

  • Name: gunes güneş mehmet
  • Surname: yakartepe
  • Location: Istanbul,turkey
  • About Me: Web sitesi: http://www.yakartepe.net My name is mehmet yakartepe. My son GUNES YAKARTEPE is 12 years old, and plays 22 instruments. GÜNEŞ is 12 years old, and he is the only boy in the world who can play 22 musical instruments. This characteristic is rare in the world. He has a giant repertoire of 310 songs. 22 musical instruments 1- Keyboard 2- Flüte 3-Turkish Drum 4-Xylophone 5- Turkısh Recorder 6 -Harmonica 7- Saxophone 8-Kanun 9- Bağlama-saz 10-Guitarra 11-Yamaha Clarinet www.Yakartepe.net www.Yakartepe.com -------------------------- GÜNEŞ YAKARTEPE 12 Yaşındayım. 22 ENSTRUMAN ÇALIYORUM. ÇALDIĞIM 11 ENSTRUMAN 1- Yamaha Klavye 2- Flüt 3- Darbuka 4- Ksilofon 5- Bongo 6- Kaval 7- Kromatik Harmonika 8- Saksafon
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