- Name: Yusuf
- Surname: Erbil
- Location: LONDON
- About Me: Luckily my contact is also hosting another English speaker, Yusuf Erbil from north London. His parents are Zaza Alevis from Central Turkey who came to London when he was young. When he heard about the urgent need for Vitamen B1 from the hunger strikers (Vitamen B1 is essential for the body to prevent permanent damage after prolonged periods without food) due to the Turkish government preventing all imports and the pharmacies no longer stocking it, he decided to drop everything in London, fill his suitcase with all the Vitamen B1 he could get his hands on, and come to Diyarbakır. Like myself he’s interested in hearing the stories and opinions of the people who live here and with his Turkish and English he makes a good travel companion, interpreting for the many people we chat to. We explore the streets of the old city, said to be one of the oldest in the world, and visit the cultural centre where Kurdish MPs are hunger striking in solidarity with the prisoners. ,,....Conor O'deery..,, Documentarist,, Traveller..
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