Alexander Skrjabin Staatliches SinfonieOrchester Der UDSSR, Jewgeni Swetlanow - Sinfonie Nr 3 C moll Op 43



Album Review: Sinfonie Nr. 3 C moll Op. 43 by Alexander Skrjabin Let’s cut to the chase—this album is a wild ride through soundscapes that feel like they’re straight out of some fever dream. Released in 1975 under Melodia Eterna, it’s got Jewgeni Swetlanow leading the Staatliches Sinfonie-Orchester Der UDSSR with all the drama and flair you’d expect from Soviet-era classical music. And yeah, this isn’t your grandma’s Mozart. It’s modern classical, full of twists, turns, and moments where you're just sitting there thinking, "What on earth did I just hear?" First off, let me talk about Track 1: Luttes (Lento - Allegro). Man, this one hits hard right outta the gate. The opening feels like walking into an old cathedral at midnight—dark, heavy, mysterious. But then BAM! That Allegro section kicks in, and suddenly it’s chaos. Not bad chaos though; more like organized madness. You can almost picture Skrjabin himself pacing around, muttering cryptic things while scribbling notes faster than his hand could keep up. There’s something raw and primal here, as if the orchestra's fighting its own inner demons. Honestly? This track sticks with me because it doesn’t play nice—it grabs you by the collar and demands attention. Then there’s Track 3: Jeu Divin (Allegro). If Luttes was the storm, this one’s the eye of the hurricane. Lighter, almost playful—but not in a cutesy way. More like… mischievous. Like when someone tells you a secret but winks afterward so you don’t know if they’re serious or messing with you. The strings dance around each other like sparks flying off a fire, and every now and then, the brass bursts in uninvited, making everything bigger, louder, bolder. By the end, my heart was racing—not sure if I wanted to laugh or cry. Probably both. And props to M.A. Wrubel for the cover art. That painting? Yeah, it fits perfectly. Dark, swirling colors that match the mood of the symphony down to the last brushstroke. Even the liner notes by Christof Rüger add a layer of intrigue—you get the sense people really cared about presenting this work as more than just another record. Here’s the thing: listening to this album feels like stepping into another world. A world where emotions run high, boundaries blur, and nothing makes total sense—but somehow, it still works. It’s messy, beautiful, exhausting, and completely unforgettable. Oh, and here’s a random thought to leave you with: why does classical music always make me want to write poetry? Seriously, who else gets that urge? Maybe Skrjabin cast a spell on us all.

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 16 mb
  • FLAC size: 166.4 mb


1. Luttes. Lento - Allegro24:00
Sinfonie Nr. 3 C-moll Op. 43 >>Le Divin Poéme<<
3. Jeu Divin. Allegro22:34
2. Voluptés. Lento


Evgeny Svetlanov conducts Scriabin Symphony no. 3 - video 1977
Alexander Scriabin : Symphony No. 3 in C minor 'The Divine Poem' Op. 43 (1902-04)


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Catalog Numbers

8 26 632


Melodia Eterna

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  • Vinyl
  • LP
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Recorded ByМелодия
Record CompanyVEB Deutsche Schallplatten Berlin


Composed ByAlexander Skrjabin
ConductorJewgeni Swetlanow
DesignGerd Semder
Liner NotesChristof Rüger
OrchestraStaatliches Sinfonie-Orchester Der UDSSR
PaintingM. A. Wrubel


  • Frontpage:
  • M. A. Wrubel, Flieder, Detail, Russisches Museum, Leningrad
  • On back cover:
  • SM 02225-6


  • Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 33СМ02225/3-2
  • Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): 33СМ02226/3-7
  • Other (Printing date code): Ag 511/01/75

About Alexander Skrjabin Staatliches SinfonieOrchester Der UDSSR, Jewgeni Swetlanow

A Russian composer and pianist. Born: 1872-01-06 (Moscow, Russia) Born January 1872 or 25 December 1871. At present Moscow, Russian Federation. Died: April 27, 1915 (Moscow, Russia) Died 14 or 27 April 1915. At present Moscow, Russian Federation.

Real Name

    • Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin (Александр Николаевич Скрябин)

Name Vars

  • A Scriabin
  • A Skrjabin
  • A. N. Scriabin
  • A. N. Scrjabin
  • A. N. Skriabin
  • A. N. Skrjabin
  • A. Scriabin
  • A. Scriabine
  • A. Scryabin
  • A. Skriabin
  • A. Skriabinas
  • A. Skrjabin
  • A. Skryabin
  • A.N. Scriabin
  • A.N. Skrjabin
  • A.Scriabin
  • Akexander Scriabin
  • Aleksandar Skrjabin
  • Aleksander Nikolaievich Scriabin
  • Aleksander Scriabin
  • Aleksander Skriabin
  • Aleksander Skrjabin
  • Aleksandr Nikolajewitsch Skrajabin
  • Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin
  • Aleksandr Scriabin
  • Aleksandr Scrjabin
  • Aleksandr Skriabin
  • Aleksandr Skrjabin
  • Aleksandr Skryabin
  • Alexandar Skrjabin
  • Alexander N Skriabin
  • Alexander N. Scriabin
  • Alexander N. Scriabine
  • Alexander N. Scriabln
  • Alexander N. Scrjabin
  • Alexander N. Skriabin
  • Alexander N. Skrjabin
  • Alexander Nikolaevič Scriabin
  • Alexander Nikolaievich Scriabin
  • Alexander Nikolaievich Skriabin
  • Alexander Nikolaievici Skriabin
  • Alexander Nikolajevič Skrjabin
  • Alexander Nikolajewitsch Skrjabin
  • Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin
  • Alexander Nikolayevitch Scriabin
  • Alexander Nikolayevitch Skryabin
  • Alexander Nikolaïevitch Scriabine
  • Alexander Schriabin
  • Alexander Scriabin
  • Alexander Scriabin (Skrjabin)
  • Alexander Scrjabin
  • Alexander Scryabin
  • Alexander Skriabin
  • Alexander Skrjabin
  • Alexander Skryabin
  • Alexander Skyrabin
  • Alexandr N. Skrjabin
  • Alexandr Nikolajevič Skrjabin
  • Alexandr Nikolayevich Scriabin
  • Alexandr Scriabin
  • Alexandr Skrjabin
  • Alexandr Skryabin
  • Alexandre Scriabin
  • Alexandre Scriabine
  • Alexandre Skryabin
  • Alexndr Skrjabin
  • Scrabin
  • Scraibin
  • Scriabin
  • Scriabin, Alexander
  • Scriabin, Alexandr
  • Scriabine
  • Scrjabin
  • Sctiabin
  • Skriabin
  • Skrijabin
  • Skrjabin
  • Skrjabin, A. N.
  • Skryabin
  • А. Н. Скрябин
  • А. Скрябин
  • А.Скрябин
  • Ал. Скрябин
  • Александр Скрябин
  • Олександр Скрябін
  • С. Скрябин
  • Скрябин
  • ¹¯êãüÓó

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s an interesting fact: The album *Sinfonie Nr. 3 C moll Op. 43* by Alexander Skrjabin is a hidden gem from the Cold War era. Released in 1975 in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), it was produced under the label Melodia Eterna. The cover art features a painting by M. A. Wrubel, adding a visual layer to Skrjabin’s intense and modern classical style. What makes it special? The conductor, Jewgeni Swetlanow, led the Staatliches Sinfonie-Orchester Der UDSSR with such passion that listeners can almost feel the political tension of the time melting into pure artistry. It’s like holding a piece of history—music, visuals, and all.


Скрябин великолепен! Дирижёр Светланов тоже! Это космическая музыка, великолепная музыка, Божественная музыка. Такой диапазон размаха може быть только у Бога, когда Он сотворял вселенную! Самая прекрасная русская музыка !Скрябин - Личность! Браво ему и всем исполнителям его музыки. Так и слышишь, как создаются и рушатся миры под рукой всемогущего Властелина!
Versio de referencia
¡Preciosa versión del Poema Divino! Suena misterioso y sobrenatural.
Oh, interesting, first version with extra percussion. A bit old-fashioned tempi but there you go
Симфония №3
0:24 I ч.: Вступление
01:42 I ч.: ГТ
03:26 I ч.: ПТ1
04:00 I ч.: ПТ2
07:24 I ч.: Разработка1
20:19 I ч.: Разработка2
22:10 I ч.: Кода

24:22 II ч.: ГТ

37:26 III ч.: ГТ
44:13 III ч.: Кода
Excellent! Many thanks!
Спасибо! Удивительная
и прекрасная музыка!
21. 02.2021.
1 часть "Боріння":
Personal bookmark 16:39, because mmmm it's so good.
Mystical, theosophical visionary to some; complete nutcase to others. Whatever the case, I do have a fondness for Scriabin's yearning, searching (arguably OTT) music which, after "The Divine Poem