Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps


Review by Наталья Райкова

Album Review: L'Oiseau De Feu & Le Sacre Du Printemps by Igor Stravinsky Alright, let’s talk about this beast of an album. If you’re into classical music but haven’t dived into Stravinsky yet, well, buckle up because this one feels like getting hit by a truck full of emotions and chaos—and I mean that in the best way possible. It’s wild, raw, and kinda messy at times, but it sticks to your soul like gum on a hot summer day. First off, the setup: we’ve got Igor Stravinsky wearing two hats here—composer and conductor. That’s like having Beyoncé write her own songs and direct the music video. The Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York backs him up, and man, they bring their A-game. This is modern classical stuff, so don’t expect anything soothing or predictable. Nope. Instead, it’s all jagged edges, pounding rhythms, and moments where you just wanna throw your hands in the air and scream “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” But hey, isn’t that what makes it great? Now, onto the tracks. There are a lot (seriously, a LOT), but two stood out for me. First, there’s "Der Feuervogel - L’Oiseau De Feu (Fassung 1945)". Oh wow, this piece feels like stepping into some ancient forest where magic exists but also might kill you if you look at it wrong. The strings swirl around like smoke, and then BAM—the brass kicks in, and suddenly you’re running from something you can’t see. It’s thrilling, terrifying, and kinda beautiful all at once. Like, how does he do that? One second you’re calm, the next you’re gripping your seat like it owes you money. Then there’s "Tanz Der Erde" (Dance of the Earth). Holy cow, this track is pure adrenaline. You know when you’re watching a movie and the tension builds until you think your heart might explode? That’s what this feels like. The percussion slams down hard, the orchestra seems to be losing its mind, and honestly, I couldn’t tell if I wanted to dance or hide under my bed. Probably both. By the end, I was sweaty and breathless—not kidding. It’s not easy listening, but damn, it’s unforgettable. What strikes me most about this album is how alive it feels. It’s not polished or perfect—it’s messy and human and bursting with energy. Listening to it made me realize how much music can feel like real life: unpredictable, overwhelming, and sometimes just plain nuts. And maybe that’s why people still listen to Stravinsky almost a century later. He didn’t just make music; he bottled lightning. Oh, and here’s a random thought: if aliens ever land on Earth and ask us to explain humanity through sound, I’d hand them this album. They’d either leave in peace or destroy us immediately. Either way, job done. So yeah, give this album a spin if you want something that’ll shake you up a bit. Just don’t blame me if you start hearing these tunes in your dreams.

Table of Contents


Filename: igor-stravinsky-igor-stravinsky-the-philharmonicsymphony.zip
  • MP3 size: 90.2 mb
  • FLAC size: 1168.2 mb


Der Feuervogel - L'oiseau De Fue (Fassung 1945)
Verrherrlichung Der Auserwählten
Mystischer Reigen Der Jungfrauen
Tanz Der Jungfrauen
Spiele Der Streitenden Stämme
Rondo (Khorovod)
Weihetanz Der Urväter
"Die Anbetung Der Erde"
Wiegenlied Und Finale
"Das Opfer"
Adagio (Pas De Deux)
Introduktion (Die Heidische Nacht)
Introduktion und Tanz des Feuervogels
Tanz Der Erde
Anrufung Der Urväter
Aufzug Der Weisen


Album herunterladen Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps
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last ned album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps
télécharger l'album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps
descargar álbum Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps
ladda ner album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps

Catalog Numbers

L 01.307 L, L 01307



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  • Vinyl
  • LP
  • Album


Composed ByIgor Strawinsky
ConductorIgor Strawinsky
OrchestraThe Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra Of New York


L 01.307 L on labels and spine, L 01307 on front sleeve.


  • Rights Society: B.I.E.M.
  • Matrix / Runout (Side A - label): AA 01.307 1L
  • Matrix / Runout (Side B - label): AA 01.307 2L

About Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York

lataa albumi Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printempsladda ner album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printempsdescargar álbum Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printempstélécharger l'album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printempslast ned album Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printempsbaixar álbum Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky The PhilharmonicSymphony Orchestra Of New York - LOiseau De Feu Le Sacre Du Printemps
Born: 1882-06-17 (Oranienbaum, Saint Petersburg Governorate, Russian Empire) At present Lomonosov, Russian Federation. Died: 1971-04-06 (New York City, New York, United States). Russian composer, pianist and conductor. Main figure of musical modernism, one of the greatest representatives of world musical culture of the 20th century. The composer's creative itinerary was extremely dynamic. Stravinsky's musical language tends to overcome the barrier of historical periods and uses historical and personal models (such as Russian folklore, Western cultured tradition, dodecaphony, polyrhythms and asymmetrical rhythms) freely adapting them to his personal creative needs. In stravinsky's works the rhythmic dimension is extremely dynamic and varied and becomes a structural element of the composition, as is the interval elaboration. The composer uses melodic cells that are reassembled and broken down with great variety and freedom, the overlapping and reiteration of rhythmic-interval cells creates episodes of rhythmic-metric asymmetry and polyrhythm. Other elements that we find in his compositions are: the structuring in discordant sections, the use of the octotonic scale and the modal scales. He has written music for a variety of different instrumental and vocal combinations, ranging from works for huge orchestras to works for small ensembles or solo instruments Starting from the 1950s he wanted to leave a precise sound testimony of his creative intentions, through the recording of his works directed by himself A citizen of France (1934) and the USA (1945).

Real Name

    • Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский

Name Vars

  • I Stravinsky
  • I-Stravinskij
  • I. F. Stravinsky
  • I. S.
  • I. Stravinski
  • I. Stravinskij
  • I. Stravinskis
  • I. Stravinsky
  • I. Strawinski
  • I. Strawinsky
  • I. Strawiński
  • I. Sztravinszkij
  • I. ¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
  • I.S.
  • I.Stravinskij
  • I.Stravinskiy
  • I.Stravinsky
  • I.Strawinsky
  • I: Strawiński
  • Igor
  • Igor F. Strawinsky
  • Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor Fedorovitch Stravinsky
  • Igor Feodorowitsch Strawinsky
  • Igor Fiodorovich Stravinskyy
  • Igor Fiodorovitch Stravinsky
  • Igor Fjodorovič Stravinski
  • Igor Fjodorowitsch Strawinski
  • Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor Fyorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor StravinskI
  • Igor Stravinski
  • Igor Stravinskij
  • Igor Stravinskyj
  • Igor Strawinksy
  • Igor Strawinski
  • Igor Strawinskij
  • Igor Strawinsky
  • Igor Strawiński
  • Igor Sztravinszkij
  • Igor' F. Stravinskij
  • M. Igor Stravinsky
  • M. Igor Strawinsky
  • Stavinsky
  • Straviinsky
  • Stravinksy
  • Stravinski
  • Stravinskij
  • Stravinsky
  • Stravinsky's
  • Stravinsky, Igor
  • Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)
  • Stravinsky/
  • Stravinskyj
  • Stravisnky
  • Stravwnsky
  • Strawinski
  • Strawinskij
  • Strawinsky
  • Strawinsky, Igor
  • Strawinsky/
  • Strawvinsky
  • Sztravinszkij
  • Ígor Stravinski
  • Ígor Stravinsky
  • Στραβίνσκυ
  • И. Стравински
  • И. Стравинский
  • И. Ф. Стравинский
  • И.Стравинский
  • И.Ф. Стравинский
  • Иг. Стравинский
  • Игор Стравински
  • Игорь Стравинский
  • Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский
  • Стравинский
  • ¤ü´êû¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
  • ¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
  • ϲɹˉ౶֯ߺ

Interesting fact about Album

Did you know? Igor Stravinsky conducted *The Firebird* and *The Rite of Spring* with The Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York for a legendary album. It’s wild to think that the same guy who wrote the music also led the orchestra, bringing his Modern Classical vision to life. This recording, released under Philips in France, captures the intensity of tracks like *Tanz Der Erde* and *Mystischer Reigen Der Jungfrauen*. It’s like hearing Stravinsky’s mind come alive through sound.