Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suite


Review by Phaedrea Watkins

Yo, let’s dive into this beast: Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suite. It's Igor Stravinsky flexing his genius muscles with Yoel Levi and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra backing him up. Released in 2006 by Telarc (yeah, a US label), this album is straight fire for anyone who digs Neo-Classical or Modern classical vibes. And trust me, it’s not your grandma's easy-listening playlist—that sht gets wild. First off, "Les Augures Printanières / Danses Des Adolescentes" hits like a punch to the gut. Like, damn, those opening strings? They’re haunting as hell, building tension like you're about to get jumped in an alley—but instead of violence, you get pure art. The rhythm slaps hard when the dancers kick in; it feels primal, raw, chaotic but controlled. You can almost picture some ancient tribe losing their minds over this track. I swear, every time I hear it, I wanna throw my coffee cup across the room just ‘cause it’s so intense. Respect. Then there’s "Danse Sacrale L'Élue [Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One)]", which is basically Stravinsky flipping the bird at traditional music rules. This piece is relentless—like running through mud while someone screams at you to keep going. Every note feels heavy, weighted with doom. That repetitive bass line grinds on your soul until you forget where you even are. Honestly, if they played this during gym class back in high school, no one would skip leg day ever again. It's exhausting but addictive AF. Now, look, this whole album ain’t perfect. Some parts drag more than others, and yeah, maybe Pulcinella Suite doesn’t hit quite as hard as Rite of Spring. But man, when it works, it WORKS. Stravinsky wasn’t out here trying to please critics or sell records—he was making art that would last forever. And guess what? He did it. Here’s the kicker though: listening to this album made me realize how much we’ve dumbed down music today. We scroll past songs after five seconds because “nah, too slow” or whatever. But Stravinsky forces you to sit down, shut up, and FEEL something real—even if it makes you uncomfortable. Wild thought, right? So next time you’re bored, crank this up loud enough to piss off your neighbors. Let ‘em know Igor still runs the game.

Download Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suite
Artist: Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Album: Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suite
Rating: 5.0

Table of Contents


Filename: igor-stravinsky-yoel-levi-atlanta-symphony-orchestra.zip
  • MP3 size: 84 mb
  • FLAC size: 1104.6 mb


Les Augures Printanières / Danses Des Adolescentes (The Auguries Of Spring / Dances Of The Adolescent Girls)3:09
Cortège Du Sage (Procession Of The Sage)0:41
Sinfonia (Overture)1:51
Cercles Mystérieux Des Adolescentes (Mystic Circles Of The Young Girls)3:00
Glorification De L'Élue (Glorification Of The Chosen One)1:26
Evocation Des Ancêtres (Evocation Of The Elders)0:43
Danse Sacrale L'Élue [Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One)]4:04
Danse De La Terre (Dance Of The Earth)1:10
Rondes Printanières (Spring Rounds)3:59
Action Rituelle Des Ancêtres (Ritual Actions Of The Ancestors)3:41
Gavotta Con Due Variazioni3:25
Le Sage (The Sage)0:22
Jeux Des Cités Rivales (Games Of Rival Tribes)1:48
Jeu Du Rapt (Game Of Abduction)1:17
Scherzino; Allegro; Andantino4:13
Minuetto; Finale4:00


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Phonographic Copyright (p)Telarc
Copyright (c)Telarc


Barcode: 089408026621

About Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

Album herunterladen Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suitedescargar álbum Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suitetélécharger l'album Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suitebaixar álbum Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suitelataa albumi Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suiteladda ner album Igor Stravinsky, Yoel Levi, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - Stravinsky The Rite Of Spring Pulcinella Suite
Born: 1882-06-17 (Oranienbaum, Saint Petersburg Governorate, Russian Empire) At present Lomonosov, Russian Federation. Died: 1971-04-06 (New York City, New York, United States). Russian composer, pianist and conductor. Main figure of musical modernism, one of the greatest representatives of world musical culture of the 20th century. The composer's creative itinerary was extremely dynamic. Stravinsky's musical language tends to overcome the barrier of historical periods and uses historical and personal models (such as Russian folklore, Western cultured tradition, dodecaphony, polyrhythms and asymmetrical rhythms) freely adapting them to his personal creative needs. In stravinsky's works the rhythmic dimension is extremely dynamic and varied and becomes a structural element of the composition, as is the interval elaboration. The composer uses melodic cells that are reassembled and broken down with great variety and freedom, the overlapping and reiteration of rhythmic-interval cells creates episodes of rhythmic-metric asymmetry and polyrhythm. Other elements that we find in his compositions are: the structuring in discordant sections, the use of the octotonic scale and the modal scales. He has written music for a variety of different instrumental and vocal combinations, ranging from works for huge orchestras to works for small ensembles or solo instruments Starting from the 1950s he wanted to leave a precise sound testimony of his creative intentions, through the recording of his works directed by himself A citizen of France (1934) and the USA (1945).

Real Name

    • Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский

Name Vars

  • I Stravinsky
  • I-Stravinskij
  • I. F. Stravinsky
  • I. S.
  • I. Stravinski
  • I. Stravinskij
  • I. Stravinskis
  • I. Stravinsky
  • I. Strawinski
  • I. Strawinsky
  • I. Strawiński
  • I. Sztravinszkij
  • I. ¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
  • I.S.
  • I.Stravinskij
  • I.Stravinskiy
  • I.Stravinsky
  • I.Strawinsky
  • I: Strawiński
  • Igor
  • Igor F. Strawinsky
  • Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor Fedorovitch Stravinsky
  • Igor Feodorowitsch Strawinsky
  • Igor Fiodorovich Stravinskyy
  • Igor Fiodorovitch Stravinsky
  • Igor Fjodorovič Stravinski
  • Igor Fjodorowitsch Strawinski
  • Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor Fyorovich Stravinsky
  • Igor StravinskI
  • Igor Stravinski
  • Igor Stravinskij
  • Igor Stravinskyj
  • Igor Strawinksy
  • Igor Strawinski
  • Igor Strawinskij
  • Igor Strawinsky
  • Igor Strawiński
  • Igor Sztravinszkij
  • Igor' F. Stravinskij
  • M. Igor Stravinsky
  • M. Igor Strawinsky
  • Stavinsky
  • Straviinsky
  • Stravinksy
  • Stravinski
  • Stravinskij
  • Stravinsky
  • Stravinsky's
  • Stravinsky, Igor
  • Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)
  • Stravinsky/
  • Stravinskyj
  • Stravisnky
  • Stravwnsky
  • Strawinski
  • Strawinskij
  • Strawinsky
  • Strawinsky, Igor
  • Strawinsky/
  • Strawvinsky
  • Sztravinszkij
  • Ígor Stravinski
  • Ígor Stravinsky
  • Στραβίνσκυ
  • И. Стравински
  • И. Стравинский
  • И. Ф. Стравинский
  • И.Стравинский
  • И.Ф. Стравинский
  • Иг. Стравинский
  • Игор Стравински
  • Игорь Стравинский
  • Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский
  • Стравинский
  • ¤ü´êû¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
  • ¹Èéô£ó¹­ü
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Interesting fact about Album

Did you know? Igor Stravinsky's *The Rite of Spring* caused a literal riot when it first premiered in 1913. The unconventional rhythms and dissonant sounds were so shocking that the audience in Paris couldn’t handle it. Fast forward to 2006, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Yoel Levi, released their own take on this groundbreaking piece alongside *Pulcinella Suite*. It’s wild to think that something once considered outrageous is now celebrated as a masterpiece of classical music.