София - София


Review by Felipe Michaud Rosas

Album Review: София – The Soviet Disco-Funk Time Capsule You Didn’t Know You Needed Alright, buckle up, because we’re diving into София, the 1978 USSR gem that’s equal parts disco fever dream, funk odyssey, and jazz-fueled chaos. Released under the legendary Мелодия label, this album is a genre-bending mishmash of Pop, Rock, Jazz, Funk, and Soul, with styles ranging from Schlager to Parody. Directed by Димитр Симеонов (who clearly had no chill), it’s like someone threw a bunch of musicians into a room, said “make it weird,” and walked out. And honestly? It works. Let’s start with the tracklist. With bangers like Кунг-фу (yes, Kung Fu) and Большой Ритм (Big Rhythm, duh), you know this isn’t your grandma’s easy-listening record. But two tracks in particular have stuck in my brain like bubblegum on a hot summer day: Маленькая Серенада and Вкус Меда. First up, Маленькая Серенада (Little Serenade). Sung by Е. Душанов, this one feels like a love letter written on the back of a napkin at a smoky jazz club. It’s smooth, cheesy, and oddly sincere—all the ingredients for a cult classic. Imagine lounging in a retro diner while someone serenades you with saxophone solos and lyrics that sound like they were translated via Google circa 1998. You can practically smell the hairspray and hear the clinking of martini glasses. I remembered it because, well, how do you forget something this gloriously over-the-top? Then there’s Вкус Меда (Taste of Honey). This one’s got Х. Кидиков on vocals, and let me tell you, his voice is smoother than butter on a warm biscuit. The song starts off innocently enough but quickly spirals into a funky groove that makes you want to bust out moves you didn’t even know you had. It’s the kind of track that could soundtrack a spy movie montage or an awkward family reunion dance-off. Either way, it’s unforgettable. The rest of the album is just as wild. From the patriotic vibes of Болгария to the tango-infused drama of Последнее Танго, every track has its own personality. And don’t get me started on Лола—a tune so quirky it might as well come with its own mustache-twirling villain. Oh, and did I mention there are TWO versions of Кунг-фу? Because redundancy is apparently a feature, not a bug. What makes София special isn’t just its eclectic mix of genres; it’s the sheer audacity of it all. In 1978 USSR, when things were about as colorful as a potato sack, this album dared to be bold. It’s like the musical equivalent of wearing neon leg warmers to a funeral—awkward, unexpected, and kinda brilliant. So, would I recommend София? Absolutely. It’s not perfect, but who wants perfection anyway? Sometimes you just need an album that feels like a party thrown by aliens who’ve only seen Earth through old James Bond movies. And if nothing else, it’ll give you some killer stories for your next trivia night. Final thought: Listening to this album made me realize something profound. Music doesn’t need to make sense—it just needs to make you feel alive. Or, in this case, make you wonder if Kung Fu really was the hottest trend in Bulgaria in 1978.

Table of Contents


Filename: sofiya-sofiya.zip
  • MP3 size: 77 mb
  • FLAC size: 788.2 mb


Всё В Любви
Вкус Меда
Большой Ритм
Все В Любви
Белый Голубь
Маленькая Серенада
Там, Где Разбились Волны
Музыкальный Этюд
Последнее Танго
Один Миг


Бедрос Киркоров ВИА София Там, где разбились волны
ВИА София Белый голубь
Sofia - Se a Cabo


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Catalog Numbers

  • 33С 60—07385-86
  • С60-07385-6
  • С60-07385-86
  • С60—07385, С60—07386
  • 33 С 60-07385-86



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  • Vinyl
  • LP
  • Album
  • Yellow vinyl
  • Stereo
  • Flipback Sleeve
  • Red vinyl
  • Repress
  • Green vinyl
  • Pink labels
  • Blue Vinyl
  • Blue Label


Pressed ByАпрелевский Завод Грампластинок
Printed ByТипография РЗГ «Мелодия»


Music DirectorДимитр Симеонов
VocalsБ. Киркоров (tracks: B3, B5), Е. Душанов (tracks: B2, B4), Х. Кидиков (tracks: B1, B6)
Directed ByДимитр Симеонов


  • © Апрелевский ордена Ленина завод грампластинок, 1977 г.
  • Зак. 141—0—35000
  • Pink label
  • Band title in black on front sleeve side
  • Dark blue labels
  • Ленинградский Завод Грампластинок
  • Yellow transparent vinyl
  • Рижский завод грампластинок
  • 1976 2981 10300
  • band title in brown on front sleeve side
  • pink labels
  • white label
  • blue labels
  • Red label
  • red vinyl
  • 1979
  • band title in black on front sleeve side
  • white labels
  • Green transparent vinyl
  • Фонограмма, 1977.
  • (C) "Мелодия", 1980.
  • Всесоюзная Студия Грамзаписи
  • Апрелевский Ордена Ленина Завод Грампластинок
  • Арт. 36-9 Цена 2 руб. 15 коп.
  • Variant 1: Зак. 24-О-5000.
  • Variant 2: Зак. 989-О-7000.
  • red labels
  • Blue transparent vinyl
  • 1978 276 5700


  • Matrix / Runout (A): C60-07385/4-1
  • Matrix / Runout (B): C60-07386/4-1
  • Other: ГОСТ 5289-73
  • Other (Article): Арт. 36-9.
  • Other (Price): Цена руб. 2-15
  • Matrix / Runout (Side A): С60-07385/4-1
  • Matrix / Runout (Side B): С60-07386/4-1
  • Matrix / Runout: С60-07385/4-1
  • Matrix / Runout: С60-07386/4-1
  • Other (State Standard): ГОСТ 5289-73
  • Other (Repertoire Group): Гр. 3.
  • Other (Price): 1-90
  • Matrix / Runout (A-side runout, stamped): С60-07385 / 4-1
  • Matrix / Runout (B-side runout, stamped): С60-07386 / 4-1

About София

Bulgarian combo formed in 1964 by the Metropolitan Municipality of Sofia. During its long existence in the band have played many of the famous Bulgarian jazz musicians. Emil Georgiev () was the first conductor of the orchestra since its foundation. The band took part as escort of many domestic and foreign festivals - Golden Orpheus , a pop music festival in Sochi , Festival in Poznan (Poland) and others. which accompanies world-class performers. In December 21, 1971, several components died in plane crash, along with Pasha Hristova () well know bulgarian singer. The personnel before plane crash: , , Любомир Мицов, Христо Чолаков, , Иван Данов, , Musiciansttt ttt Conductorsttt ttt Lyudmil Georgiev - alto saxophonet(tЛюдмил Георгиев  алт саксофонt) Nikolai Arabadziev - pianot(tНиколай Арабаджиев  пианоt) Dimitar Simeonov - tenor saxophonet(tДимитър Симеонов  тенор саксофонt) ttt ttt Brass section ttt ttt Trumpeters ttt tt Ivan Danovt(tИван Дановt) Atanas Shahovt(tАтанас Шаховt) Konstantin Nosov - USSRt(tКонстантин Носов - СССРt) Gentcho Vartovskitt(tГенчо Въртовскиt) ttt Saxophonists ttt ttt Lyudmil Georgievt(tЛюдмил Георгиевt) Dimitar Simeonov (Moncho)t(tДимитър Симеонов (Мончо)t) Konstantin Chilevt(tКостадин Чилевt) Hristo Tcholakovt(tХристо Чолаковt) Simeon Shterev (Banana) (flute)t(tСимеон Щерев (Банана) (флейта)t) VENKO Zacharievt(tВенко Захариевt) ttt Trombonettt ttt Constantine Dragnevt(tКонстантин Драгневt) Mahran Belberyant(tМахрам Белберянt) Peter Popovt(tПетър Поповt) Ivan Toshevt(tИван Тошевt) George Borisovt(tГеорги Борисовt) ttt Rhythm section ttt ttt Guitarists ttt ttt Christian Platovt(tХристиян Платовt) Clement Ginit(tКлимент Гининt) Philip Maleevt(tФилип Малеевt) Elijah Karayanev (Licho Stones) 1971t(tИлия Караянев (Личо Стоунса)1971 г.t) Nikolai Buserov (Nikola Busera)t(tНиколай Бусеров (Кольо Бусера)t) Alexander Damianov (potato)t(tАлександър Дамянов (Картофа)t) Nikolai Belev (Coco) from 1979 to 1982t(tНиколай Белев (Коко) от 1979 до 1982 г.t) Assen Gargov (Gary)t(tАсен Гаргов (Гари)t) ttt Pianists ttt ttt Boris Nenkovt(tБорис Ненковt) Nikolai Arabadzievt(tНиколай Арабаджиевt) Ivan Yankovt(tИван Янковt) Daniel Guergov (Dunyo)t(tДаниел Гергов (Дуньо)t) Lubomir Georgiev (Column)t(tЛюбомир Георгиев (Графа)t) Todor Karapetkov (1977 to 1982)t(tТодор Карапетков (от 1977 до 1982)t) Rafi Zhamakortsyant(tРафи Жамакорцянt) Rumen Spirovt(tРумен Спировt) ttt Bassists ttt ttt Yanko Torbovt(tЯнко Торбовt) Teodosi Stoykov (Tose)t(tТеодоси Стойков (Тошето)t) Lubomir Mitsovt(tЛюбомир Мицовt) Simeon Venkov (Moni) - from 1972 to 1975t(tСимеон Венков (Мони) - от 1972 до 1975 г.t) Chavdar Pavlov (Chavei)t(tЧавдар Павлов (Чавето)t) Ruslan Kupenov (Column)t(tРуслан Купенов (Графа)t) Krum Zacharievt(tКрум Захариевt) Orlin Lalovt(tОрлин Лаловt) ttt Drummersttt ttt Konstantin Lazarovt(tКонстантин Лазаровt) Peter Slavov (melons)t(tПетър Славов (Пъпеша)t) Radul Nachkov (Bright)t(tРадул Начков (Ярката)t) Krum Svetli (cheek)t(tКрум Калъчев (Бузата)t) Tzvetan Banovt(tЦветан Бановt)

Real Name

    • Orchester Sofia

Name Vars

  • \
  • Orchestra
  • Orkestra
  • Вокально-Инструментальный Ансамбль
  • Eстр. Орк. София
  • Orch. Sofia
  • Orch. Sofia
  • Oрк. София
  • Sofia
  • Sofia Light Orchestra
  • Sofia Orchestra
  • Sofia Orchestra = Аккомп. Орк. \
  • Sofia Studio Orchestra
  • Studio Orchestra
  • The Light Music Orch. Of Sofia
  • The Sofia Variety Orchestra
  • Ансамбль «София»
  • Вок.-Инстр. Ансамбль «София»
  • Вок.-Инстр. Ансамбль «София» П/у Д. Симеонова
  • Вокально-Инструментальный Ансамбль «София»
  • ЕСО \
  • Естр. Орк. София
  • Орк. София
  • Орк. \
  • Орк. София
  • Орк. София
  • Оркестър \
  • Оркестър София
  • СЕО
  • СЭО
  • Септет \
  • Септет София
  • Септетом София
  • Соф. EO
  • Соф. Естр. Орк
  • Соф. Естр. Орк.
  • Соф. Естраден Оркестър
  • Соф. естраден оркестър
  • Софийски Естр. Орк.
  • Софийски Естраден Оркестър
  • София Джаз Оркестър / Sofia Jazz Band
  • орк. \
  • орк. София
  • орк. София


  • Петър Славов
  • Асен Гаргов
  • Константин Носов
  • Николай Арабаджиев
  • Емил Георгиев
  • Константин Драгнев
  • Кирил Семов
  • Християн Платов
  • Людмил Георгиев
  • Димитър Симеонов
  • Георги Борисов
  • Генчо Въртовски
  • Крум Калъчев
  • Тодор Карапетков
  • Николай Белев
  • Крум Захариев
  • Теодоси Стойков

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s something cool: the 1978 album *София* by София is like a musical time capsule from the USSR. It blends so many genres—pop, rock, jazz, funk, soul—and even throws in styles like disco and parody. Imagine listening to tracks directed by Димитр Симеонов with vocals from artists like Б. Киркоров and Е. Душанов. One standout detail? The album includes a track called *Кунг-фу*, which feels way ahead of its time. How wild is that?


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