

  • Name: Andy
  • Surname: Shackcloth
  • Location: Italy
  • About Me: Hi, I kick around in Arezzo, Italy and write whenever life stops getting in the way. I have four children, all of which are cleverer than me and all, but one, taller than me. I also happen to be blessed with the most precious wife in the universe. I haven’t published anything, yet. Originally this was because I used to write purely for myself. Recently, my fiction writing was derailed when a deep curiosity was ignited whilst looking into the practice of journaling and its uses in creative writing. For a time research had replaced writing, non-fiction had replaced fantasy. Moving to Italy and learning a new language played their part in slowing me down, but those are excuses and not real reasons. I discovered that journaling is a multifaceted instrument and almost immediately I needed to filter out personal journaling, medical journaling, family journaling (time capsule journaling), scrapbooking etc. There are so many other facets to “writing in a journal”, but what fascinated me and what I wanted to focus on was journaling that benefits the creativity of the user. However, “Journaling that benefits the creativity of the user” is a bit of a mouthful, so I simply call it; “Creative Journaling” One day, I hope to publish all my findings in a useful book. Until then, I continue to learn and use my blog ( to pass on what I have discovered. And so apart from writing, I also love to laugh and eat ice cream. I like motorbikes, watching films, reading, good food, going out, theatre, working with my hands, ice cream, learning science stuff and hugs. Not big on booze, football, snobbery, narrow mindedness, bigots and selfish sods. Oh! And not that big on diets either. Did I mention ice cream?
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