

  • Name: Avinash Kumar
  • Surname: Arvind
  • Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • About Me: MR. AVINASH KR. ARVIND is a Corporate Trainer ( English Comm. Soft Skills) Voice over, an Educator, Module Maker, Content Writer, Copy Editor, Trainer, Business Consultant & Car/Bike Designer. He is a much sought after Keynote Speaker, Prolific Orator and Motivator. He trains and inspires people in helping them realize their true potential in Career and life. He inspires and encourages people, making them realize their true potential, enhances their skills. He has taken his dynamic personal messages across India. His 15 years of research, understanding and experience has helped people on the path of Career and personal growth with fulfillment.Tens of thousands of studentstrainees have benefitted from his dynamic workshops across India and people have heard him as a Keynote Speaker. He has been given wide press coverage. Vision: To train people & bring about revolutionary changes in Corporate Employment. Mission: To help individuals and organizations become more productive & make work an enjoyable experience. His Trademark is “Where there is a will there is a way.” - AVINASH ARVIND Training/ Program delivery Fee: INR 2000 per hour
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