- Name: Bruno
- Surname: Stefani
- About Me: I´m student of Industrial Engineering at UFSCar.
Since childhood I have been teached to pursuit excellence in all my activities and to always set the bar high for my goals. Those are some of the reasons why I chose Production Engineering - a very demanding course with high academic standards - as my undergraduate Course.
Through my undergraduated course I have always been engaged in extra-curricular activities, mainly the Junior Enterprise. After joining as a member in Human Resources Department, I quickly became the Vice- President of Produção Jr.. While leading this 40 people staff, I was able to develop leadership, eloquence, team skills, accountability, organization and operations management skills. Among other projects, I was responsible for dealing with discipline and motivation of the members, negotiating with Government and non-Government entities and developing the sense of responsibility and preparedness throughout the university culture.
After that, I am thinking about the opportunity to develop positive change for a range of institutions and people at São Carlos. For this reason, I funded a local committee of AIESEC (www.aiesec.org) in São Carlos. AIESEC, the world's largest student organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society.
As my first professional experience, I am a intern at Banco Santander in Brazil. I have a great deal of experience analyzing and synthesizing a wide range of market research to build tools for the Brazil Strategy Team at Equity Research.
Hence, I am sure that as a dynamic hard working individual I would be able to contribute with the team goals. On my behalf, enthusiasm and dedication are guaranteed.
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