- Name: Gregory
- Surname: Raines
- Location: Montgomery County, MD
- About Me: OK OK so I guess I'm supposed to talk about myself here. Well I'm from the nation's capitol, Washington DC. Moved to Montgomery County,MD at the age of 16. My parents wanted to get me and my little sister(mostly my sister) away from the lures of the city. Little did they know,this place has lures of its own. Anyway, I'm now 26,in school for marketing,planning to go into Public Relations. Even though I have career goals,my loves are music,food,and children. I want my career to fund my aspirations of using the things I love to change the world I live in. I plan to open a music program for children and young teens in the city I grew up in. I also want to open an afrocentric art-themed,health conscious soul food restaurant. I love to have fun and try new things. I have a great sense of humor and I hope it translates well into written text. I hope you all enjoy my blog.
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