

  • Name: Devina
  • Surname: Ardelia
  • Location: Indonesia
  • About Me: I was walking to a place called house yesterday before you came to my life. Now, I am walking to a place called home with you by my side. -devinardelia Apparently this girl is living in Wangsimni, Seoul, South Korea as an exchange student in Hanyang Seoul University. Eventually, I got this GKS Scholarship from Korean Government so will be here for pretty much a year (10 months). Contact me via my kakao given, will surely great if we can spend time together! :D One beautiful university student who is still so busy with her education and imaginary stuffs. Degrading korea-pop dosage but not her story-making dosage. Still in the moment of seeking the right one, and I will surely thank you if you submit yourself as that right one.
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