

  • Name: Ajita
  • Surname: Krishna-Das
  • Location: Little River, CA, USA
  • About Me: DJ Colonel Corn, currently residing in Northern California, was born a male in California in the year 1969. He spent his childhood racing classic wooden sailboats on the San Francisco Bay with his father. He is a musician, sound engineer, and FM Radio DJ. His work has been explained on Rag Baby Records' site . Examples of his syndicated Radio Show, the MAGIC CARPET RIDEsm , can be found on his youtube channel. His CD , which is a solo release and self-engineered and produced, can be found on his other youtube channel. From 1987-1988 , DJ Colonel Corn traveled by yacht form Italy to San Francisco. In 1992, he received Harinam Initiation as a Bhakti-Yoga practitioner from Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj. In 1994, he sustained a major assault which caused problems in the lower lumbar back region. In 1997, DJ Colonel corn took same boat to Canada from San Francisco. In 1998, he was involved in a motor vehicle accident which broke his back and caused nerve damage to the S1 nerve root, originating from the pieces of disc (L5-S1) which exploded upon impact. In 2014 he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and Degenerative Disc Disease. Since the accident in 1998, DJ Colonel Corn has been writing music and short stories, and going thru physical therapy. He is considering going back 'on the air' , with an internet radio station. His main work is at . His personal site is . He maintains a blog at . This site is under construction and may not be completed or properly edited yet. - DJ Colonel Corn - 7 December 2015 Mon
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