

  • Name: Spen
  • Surname: Carney
  • Location: Rockland, Maine
  • About Me: I was born and raised in Massachusetts and have since lived in Vermont, Rhode Island and have been living in Rockland, Maine for the past eight years. My better half and my two best friends, four legged, share our residence, happiness, disappointments and love here in our home. The majority of my working years have been on the road sales. Due to an injury, nearly six years ago, I made the decision to work from my home office in pursuit of my goals. It has been a great journey with successes and failures. (Failures are many times a key ingredient to success) I have been very fortunate to meet some really great people and leaders who have done their best to teach the ins and outs of the industry – terrific learning. I am now situated with one of if not the best, in my opinion, companies with a cutting edge product and by far the best support I have encountered. Since we are young and growing, I am very excited knowing this company combined with my continued learning and efforts provide the means for my goal fulfillment.
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