

  • Name: Patrick
  • Surname: Zatloukal
  • Location: Lincoln, NE
  • About Me: They may not have been the founding fathers, but they were OUR fathers. Real men, regular dads, ordinary heroes. These are stories about men who history may not remember, but who WE will NEVER FORGET! This project started as a way to honor my father who died in 2006. Along the way, however, it became about more than just MY dad. People started telling me stories of their fathers, grandfathers, husbands, etc...and I felt responsible for keeping their memories alive, too. HE WAS HERE is a book about fathers...and grandfathers...husbands...sons....these are the men who shaped our lives and inspired us to do extraordinary things. I am currently finishing Volume One and would love more stories about incredible men who walked this earth...men who won't be remembered unless WE make sure they are not forgotten. Your father? Your grandfather? What is his story? What will his "verse" be? Submit stories to: [email protected] Follow on twitter: @HeWasHereBook Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HeWasHereBook
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