- Name: Holly
- Surname: Cochran
- Location: Kansas City Metro
- About Me: I have a Master's Degree in Psychology and a very diverse work history including Undersheriff of a rural Kansas county, child welfare worker, juvenile detention corrections officer, SPMI case management supervisor and more. I love to travel - anywhere, any time. I participate in an historical research and reenactment group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) where we study and recreate the Middle Ages, Medieval times and Renaissance. I am known as Aidan Cocrinn in that setting, and I have been recognized as a master of the arts of calligraphy and illumination. This allows me to carry the title "Mistress" before my name. I love researching things and writing about them, and I do freelance writing part time for independent web masters and clients on Fiverr.com and Textbroker.com. One can find my accounts under the names msaidan or HollyinKC.
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