

  • Name: Jason
  • Surname: Parsons
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV
  • About Me: Master Trainer and MMA Conditioning Coach, Jason M Parsons has lived in Las Vegas for nearly 20 years and been involved in the fitness industry just as long. Jason has worked in the fitness industry since 1993 as a trainer, a manager of trainers, a general manager of gyms, an instructor/educator of new trainers, an educator at UNLV and a conditioning coach for various local athletic teams and MMA fighters. Some of Jason's national certifications include the following: NASM - CPT (Certified personal trainer) NASM - CES (Corrective exercise specialist) NASM - PES (Performance enhancement specialist) NASM - SFS (Sports fitness specialist) NASM - IFS (Integrated flexibility specialist) ACSM - CPT ACE - CPT ISSA - CPT NFPT - CPT NSCA - CPT IFPA - CPT NESTA - CMMACC (Certified MMA conditioning coach) KFIT - Kettlebell Instructor Bodypump Certified Instructor Spinning Certifid Instructor
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