

  • Name: JD
  • Surname: Simser
  • Location: Ottawa Canada
  • About Me: When J.D. Selmser is not too busy 'saving the world' or 'being awesome' he enjoys chasing sunsets and waterfalls. OK maybe he does not save the world, but he is always dreaming big and chasing those dreams wherever they might lead him. He is a hopeless romantic who traveled 1100 kilometres every weekend just to spend less than two days with the woman he is in love with until she was able to move to be with him. Monday through Friday, he's an IT ninja, defending "the people and their computers" against nasty viruses and hackers. Wielding his mouse like a set of flaming nun chucks, causing most unwanted applications to shrivel back in shame. By night and weekends he is the king of scary monsters and romance sitting at his computer writing about endless love and those that grab hold of it and never let go, no matter. Like most writers his goal is to put the pictures that are in his mind on paper and invite his readers on a heartfelt journey between heaven and earth and watch the war between Demons, Angels and a multitude of other creatures. As much as his readers tell him that his characters shock them so do his readers shock him too. The most evil characters are the ones he hears are the most interesting and some of the ones he thinks will be the most beloved characters are the most hated
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