- Name: Johnny
- Surname: Mantell
- About Me: Who is Cowboy Johnny Mantell “The Pride of Montague County”?(John was given that monaker by long time Sportatorium annoucer Bill Mercer)
John started wrestling professonally in 1978 and continued till his last match in Waxahachie, Texas on August 6, 2005. He was seriously injured in a one vehicle roll over accident on November 10,2005 just outside of Decatur, TX on Hwy 287 that took him out of ever competeing in a wrestling ring again! But has not taken him out of life, telling his stories from him growing up in a small store in CA, helping his Dad with their Horse breeding & racing passion and wrestling past; helping out organizations with all of his knowledge, experience & skills learned throughout years as a Wrestler, Horse Trainer & Ranch owner/manager and being a part of this “interesting” World we live in….
John wrestled throughout the United States, Japan, and Europe. He started out as Johnny Boyd in Southern Louisiana, wrestled as The Hood in California and then took the Mantell name when he started wrestling with his brother, Ken Mantell. John not only traveled the roads with his brother for years but also famous names like Bruiser Brody, the Von Erichs, Rowdy Roddy Piper, the Funks’, the Freebirds, Bob Orton and so many more! Many of those still alive still keep in contact with him today. He has stories that have never been told and some that probably should stay that way. John continues to enjoy the sport unfortunely he is unable to still compete. He is asked all the time for his oponion and to help with young rookies and upstart companies. The amount of knowledge and history in his head is amazing, not just of Wrestling (Amateur & Professional) but of Horses, too.
Just always remember that John believes that he is still here with us, unlike many of his “brothers” that have passed on, because although he attended the same parties and events that everyone else (the other wrestlers he worked with) did but he went home after a few hours and most of the other guys stayed to close it down or many times until the next morning. He had a family (he was raising his daughter, Jade and helping his parents) and he always had horses and the ranch to come back to. He says that all the time especailly when we get a call that another one of his friends has past. That is happening more and more lately. The stories that will be told will be first hand accounts from the ’80′s & ’90′s, the heyday of wrestling in Texas, USA! The wrestling that you see on TV today doesn’t even come close to the events that took place during those years, and there was a different relationship between the men and women that traveled the roads together then.
Also, growing up with his family owning, breeding & racing Thoroughbred horses for racing, taught him many valuable lessons and responsibility as a young man. John is a true Horseman, he believes the horses should and will come first! The amount of knowledge he has learned over the years with horses is amazing too!
Now John lives on the family Ranch, Lusk Ranch, with his companion and her kids. He continues to be involved in Professional Wrestling - helping up & coming "stars" learn psychology of the ring, techniques, moves, etc.; Horses and horse racing - he has grown up around, bred and trained Thoroughbreds but has experience breeding and training Quarter Horses, Warm-bloods and others; and enjoys working with the youth in the community!
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