- Name: Kari
- Surname: Ulrich
- About Me: Kari Ulrich is a Registered Nurse with both Pediatric and Adult Emergency Room experience. She graduated from St. Catherine School of Nursing in Minnesota. Kari was diagnosed with widespread Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD) with brain aneurysms in April 2007. in the past, she has served on the Board of Directors for the Fibromusculas Dysplasia Society of America and the Freeborn County Red Cross. She is the Founder of Midwest Women's Vascular Advocates, an organization that supports and educates women diagnosed with vascular disease. Kari currently advocates for a young girl from South Africa with a progressive form of FMD. Kari has a special interest in the use of social media to improve health care. She currently serves on the board of directors for The Joe Niekro Foundation, whos mission is committed to awareness, education and research of brain aneurysms.
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