

  • Name: Kimberlee
  • Surname: Ingram
  • Location: United States
  • About Me: As a single mom of three teenagers, I know all too well the challenges working moms face in today's society. I spent over fifteen years working as a program supervisor for HIV/STD services at our local health department. I loved my career, but like most moms, found it difficult to balance work and life. Then, in 2011, I lost my biggest support team: my parents. By October, 2012, I realized that I could no longer continue to proceed without making significant life changes. My employer had no alternative options available that would allow me the work flexibility needed to continue working and also do what I needed to raise a healthy family. With no other viable option, I left my 75,000 annual salary in order to focus on my primary responsibility for my children. My story is not uncommon. More than 60% of working moms would rather work part-time and/or have the option to work from home. At the same time, the federal government is providing less funding to support vital programs like public health. They are encouraging agencies to come up with innovative ways to increase efficiency while reducing costs. Many States have even asked for public agencies to create tele-work options for employees. So why is it that so many employers are hesitant? My goal is to assist other women who are facing the same obstacles with work-life balance find successful alternatives and options. I provide business consultation, individual and group mentoring, and public advocacy,
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