- Name: Logan Lynn
- Surname: Roberts
- About Me: Logan Lynn Roberts (+Logan) is a Social Media Marketing Maven, Big Data & DomainsPl.us Over-Indulger, Google-Webmasters-YouTube-Channel Fanatic, Matt Cutts &Neil Ferree Groupie #tinypint #bigdeal #lolovesit
I can often be found with my nose three inches from my 32-inch monitor inspecting elements for sunken treasures. Forever searching for SEO secrets-left-untold. "How Search, Works" is my happy place
"Logie-Bear," my social side, is better known on Google+ for contextually conscientious content curation, thoughtful, timely & engaging comment streams, Profile-selfie GIFs that make you look twice, Logie-Bear's Circle-Share | #logiebearcircleshare | in celebration of every new 5K followers & a series of awkward yet endearing live Google hangouts on air.
Social Media & Affiliate Marketer, Brand Advocate & Influencer, Real Estate Agent & Philly Enthusiast with a logical focus on search engine optimization & verifiable digital branding results. I focus on ripples, data reporting & I can help you build a massive action plan to achieve your goals.
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