- Name: Mark
- Surname: Watso
- About Me: Foothill Wine Tours has been created with the express intent of enlightening wine lovers everywhere to the fantastic wines and wineries of El Dorado County. Rather than just another party van, we offer a complete “wine tasting” experience, consisting of hand-picked wineries producing some of the best wines in California.
A typical day with Foothill Wine Tours starts with a gathering. Could be family or friends, neighbors or work colleagues, people you see every day or maybe those you haven’t seen for years. It’s a time for catching up, reminiscing or maybe just team bonding. Whatever the case, you’ll be leaving all the work and preparation to us.
Foothill Wine Tours VanYou’ll be picked up and whisked away for a day of discovery, of complete relaxation, leaving everything to the FWT staff. Your day is all about exploring the foothills, visiting boutique mountain wineries, tasting artisan wines and feasting on local gourmet faire. We strive to deliver that stress free day you’ve been promising yourself for so long, but just haven’t been able to plug into your busy schedule.
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