- Name: Valerie
- Surname: Willis
- Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
- About Me: My creativity has been with me from the moment I took my first breath.
Growing up I have had Artwork accepted by the State Commissioner as well as succeeding in winning the Florida State Fair T-shirt Design Contest. I had several poems in Middle School published in a few collections and continued to write stories and backgrounds for Characters I designed. I have not slowed down in developing my most prized stories and character designs.
My most recent achievement was winning First Place in the Bookmark Design Contest at ITT Technical Institute in Lake Mary, FL.
I am currently completing a degree to back this natural talent with a Drafting & Design Associates Degree. I plan to further my knowledge in today's Art Programs and Techniques, and chase after my Bachelor's in Game Design
My Career Objective is to be part of a wonderful team where my skills can soar. I am excellent working alone but I enjoy working in a team and the creativity that can come in joining together to accomplish the same goal.
I hope to one day, whether through a book, comic or video game, get to share my art and creativity with everyone across the world.
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