- Name: Ones
- Surname: Zeros
- Location: California
- About Me: OnesNzeroS, Is a electronic music producer/composer/sound FX creator from Northern California.
Started in 2012
The following genres focused on.
* drum & bass/ down-tempo/dub-step/ chill-out /ambient /sound-scape / video game sounds/ sound fx/ movie-epicness.
( Member of Team 174 )
** Establishments I've worked with:
- Type Konnection Recordings Net Label
- Undisputed Audio Net Label
- Bizzy Bass Recordings Net Label
- Circadian Tales
- IFMUK.net
- Space Invader Radio
- Housevibes Online
- Scott Sparx Show
- Team 174 Net Label
- FUSK Records
- Sleepy Bass Recordings
♫ Bizzy Bass Recordings - http://www.bizzybassrecordings.co.uk/
♫ Undisclosed Audio - http://www.undisclosedaudio.co.uk/
* Team 174 Net Label - http://www.facebook.com/Team174
* FUSK Records - http://www.facebook.com/FUSKRecords
* We support each other: (want to be part of the family?!l)
* Scott Sparx - http://ifmuk.net/index.php/schedule/timetable/deejay/1-Scott Spax
* IL Phantazma - http://www.facebook.com/iLPhantazma
* Struct Seven - http://www.facebook.com/struct.seven
* DeeOneUK - http://ifmuk.net/
** Other interest Photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/onesnpixels/
- URLs: