- Name: Ashok
- Surname: Peddi
- Location: Hyderbad
- About Me: I’m Ashok P. I did my Post-Graduation in Geoinformatics from Osmania University in the year 2007.
I worked with Google Earth (Google India,www.google.co.in) for almost one year from 2007 , then Joined National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research organization and worked for 3 years.
I am an ERASMUS MUNDUS VISITING FELLOW for 2011(ISEGI,University of New Lisbon,Lisbon,Portugal)
Currently I am with Cognizant ,working as a Programmer Analyst-GIS since March 2012.
I am a hardcore GIS and Remote Sensing Lover.
love to live happy and Love to read Books(humour)
……. love to eat Karela Pulusu(Bitter gourd)
love my mum and home!
Thank you for stopping by!!
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