

  • Name: Richard
  • Surname: Tuliszewski
  • Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • About Me: Rich Tuliszewski is an enterprise project manager for Focus on the Family. His responsibilities include managing ministry wide projects that help to impact families and help families thrive. He is also a contributing writer to the Dad Matters Blog. Before coming to Focus on the Family, he served in various roles in the ministry, with the last one being media director for his church. Rich is a native of Colorado Springs and has enjoyed just the beauty that God has made here. He loves to cheer for his team, the Denver Broncos. He is a sci-fi geek that not only enjoys new technology (What is it they say about the difference between boys and men, and that is the price of their toys?), but all things Star Wars and Star Trek. Rich and his wife, Angela have celebrated 17 years of marriage together, and have three wonderful kids that challenge their parenting skills. Hannah, who is 16, is learning to drive and testing Rich’s fathering methods. Gideon is 15 and loves playing video games and has a wonderful talent of learning music by ear. Rachel the youngest, is 12, loves music and clothing and shoes. Rich has always loved developing relationships with people and just wants to help other dads by sharing his experiences with raising both girls and boys.
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