- Name: Raegan
- Surname: Hill
- Location: Houston, TX
- About Me: WHO AM I?
► I am a Marketer | B2B Marketing
► I am a Recruiter
► I am a LinkedIn Strategist
► Aspiring Blog Site Manager/Marketer
Contact Me: raegan 0 0 1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Accomplishments I am most proud of:
✔ Going on 2 years as local spokesperson for The CMO Club, www.thecmoclub.com, a global marketing organization exclusively for corporate Chief Marketing Officers and founded by a former CMO, Pete Krainik. It has been an absolute pleasure evangelizing and creating awareness about The CMO Club within the local executive marketing community and the benefits of joining.
✔ I have become a Trusted Career Advisor to marketers at all levels with emphasis on CMOs and VP level marketing professionals.
✔ One of the most referred / recommended Marketing Recruiter in Houston.
✔ 36th person ever to be hired by the NFL to run a Super Bowl Volunteer Program (7,800 volunteers scheduled, 10,000 volunteers registered).
✔ Planned and executed the NFL Super Bowl XXXVIII (38) Volunteer Program which resulted in the 1st Volunteer Program to have 98%-105% volunteer show-rate for every volunteer shift. Included events such as the MTV half-time show (500 volunteers) and NFL Experience held at the George R Brown Convention Center - this one had 3,500 volunteers scheduled over several days on 4 hour shifts of 250 volunteers each).
✔ Self-Taught Programmer which landed me two amazing jobs; one at Halliburton and one a BMC Software.
✔ Jan 2012: Successfully launched 19yr old son into the beginning stages of his adult life. He is currently studying Fire Science at Blinn in College Station and has plans to become a professional Fire Fighter. He may save you and/or your family’s life someday.
✔ May 2012: bit.ly/toadoptmolly
I used the power of Social Media to save the life of one amazing dog. I found 'Molly' on the highway. She was in such distress dodging cars. Being a pit bull mix, I knew it would be a challenge to find her a home but I was not going to be part of the problem. I wanted to be a part of the solution so I made a video to help get the word out. You can view Molly's video at bit.ly/toadoptmolly -- She was adopted last week!
Career Path: Marketing ☛ Programmer ☛ Online Marketing ☛ Community Relations ☛ Volunteer Management ☛ Trade Show Marketing ☛ Marketing Recruiter ☛ Marketing Agency Recruiter
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