

  • Name: Rui
  • Surname: Santos
  • Location: Melbourne, Australia
  • About Me: Hi. I’m Rui.  A clapped out social worker by day, and an online activist by night.  I'm interested in anything to do with personal and social transformation. How we transition from our current circumstances to creating better personal and social futures. My academic interests are in Anthropology, Political Theory, History, Sociology and Social Work theory and practice. I want to explore and learn more about opportunities for developing co-operatives that enable people to transition to more democratic and liberating workplaces and communities. Over the past 20 years, I’ve worked in a range of social work roles with both government and non-government community-based organisations across various sectors. My professional practice has mostly been around the refugee and asylum seeker as well as the aged care fields.I  I am the convener and current point person for the Melbourne chapter of Democracy at Work in Australia. I also collaborate with my friend Russell to produce a weekly podcast and blog The Swamp - New Adventures in Pop Culture. Cheers  Rui  [email protected] Melbourne, Australia 
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