- Name: Alice
- Surname: Brown
- About Me: Hi there! I am so glad you stopped in! I'm a work from home mom, that balances a great deal of things, just as every other mom does. I'm pretty sure I'm just like you. I love to sew and be creative. I have come to learn that sewing is something I do to relax and clear my head of the day to day hustle and bustle of life.
My husband and two boys inspire and encourage me to continue with my passions that I have discovered in myself. My goal in doing this, is to inspire and encourage other women to find that outlet, that passion that they have deep down inside but tend to ignore. Without having that passion that I am talking about, I saw myself as not being content with things in my life, being restless! I think that it is the age old problem of moms getting so caught up in the day to day life of taking care of their family, they tend to forget their needs and who they really are. Therefore we get restless and feel like we just aren't accomplishing enough, yet it seems like we are doing it all!
While sewing certainly does not define who I am I try to make it a big part of my life because I do enjoy it so much! I truly get excited about creating things with my hands. It is so rewarding to take a pattern, following it, using the fabric I find beautiful, and kicking in my own techniques, then to see the end result.
In sharing my adventure of further discovering my passion I only hope this will hold me accountable and I will learn to be "sewcontent" with what God has given me.
I only hope that this is the start of a meaningful relationship! I count on being inspired by other women in my life and I only hope that I inspire you to find your true passion!
Much Love,
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