- Name: Shawn
- Surname: Heller
- Location: Deep In The Heart Of Texas
- About Me: I'm a mom of 2 wonderful, beautiful & brilliant children. I love them more than anything in the world! Ashlee is 18 & a freshman at Texas State University. Chad is 16 & a sophomore at Florence High School. They both have many ambitions, hopes & dreams.
I have a degree as a Certified Surgical Technologist & specialized in Orthopedic, Spine & Neuro surgeries. I had a bit of a life changing/eyeopening event in April 2009 that has helped me to never take a day, thing, feeling, emotion, or MOST importantly, a person, for granted. I'm very appreciative of my parents & all they have done & sacrificed to help me get to where I am in my life & guide me on the road to an amazing future. My doctors have instilled into me that 'I'm running a marathon, not a sprint', & my healing process isn't going to happen overnight, but throughout my life.
I LOVE football, both college & pro! We are all addicted to something(s) in life....my things just happen to be football, Dr. Pepper, lip gloss & smiling as much as I possibly can, in no particular order!
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