

  • Name: Steven
  • Surname: Sun
  • Location: 302台灣新竹縣竹北市和平街13號
  • About Me: Hi there! (^_^) My name is Steven and I was born in Taiwan in 1980. I was quite lucky to have a chance to live in the USA from 1985 ~ 1992 (elementary years), therefore my English is still pretty good, even till this day~~LOL. ^^ After coming back to Taiwan, I finished the rest of my education and got a BA in English Literature. I've gained quite a number of working experiences, have always been interested in personal development, and to gain more skills to improve my business both online and offline. I'm always enjoying my life everyday and I'm very passionate about helping others to reach their goals as well. "If you want a miracle, then BE THE MIRACLE." Let's work together and make things happen!!
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