

  • Name: Thomas
  • Surname: Lacovara
  • About Me: We are a grass roots organization started by and for truckers ,their families and friends to take back America by shutting down America if need be. This movement began with Zeeda Andrews who delegated the role of coordinator to General Ernest Lee. The weekend of Oct.11 to the 13th Washington D.C. was descended upon as if the corrupt politicians were prey to the TRUCKER eagles, waiting for their very prey to scamper. We had, as a last straw, watched the absolute disrespect of our veterans. After having seen this, two brigades were formed Saturday night to hit the WW2 Memorial and if necessary hook up the "Barrycades" with chains to the back of an 18 wheeler, and rip them out. This proved not to be needed as our "Take Back the Memorial 2nd Brigade" drove in ,picked them up and marched upon the White House to deliver Barry's Barrycades back to him with exclamation, which was We are fed up ! The reign of tyranny is over, and we will continue to mobilize wave after wave, campaign after campaign as the Sons and Daughters of liberty are here. You need not be a trucker to join. This weekend there was a great American "awakening". The spirit of 1776 in the air. And may the words of our founders and of our Lord be our guide. For the truth is the word, and the word is truth. Let this ring as a clarion call to all Patriots. There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American dream. ~Archibald MacLeish
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