

  • Name: Zoltán
  • Surname: Kőrösi
  • Location: Magyarország / Hungary
  • About Me: I'm a freelance web developer and web designer with nearly 20 years of IT experience. “webNpro” is basically my “brand name” which I use online to distinguish the codes and webpages written by me. During my career, I had gained a wealth of useful experience in web development and web design, as well as sales and customer management. Beyond IT, I feel at home in the world of security technology. Time to time, I ask myself: "When do we dare to dream big if not right now?" I live and work in Hungary, so you can keep in touch with me in Hungarian and in English, although my English is far from perfect. Please, visit my website at https://webnpro.hu, follow me on Twitter (@webnprohu) or Facebook (http://facebook.com/webnpro)!
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