Cyril Alexy was born on November 6 in Nancy, France Fascinated by French songs since his childhood, he recorded his first 7inch in November 1982, as well as 3 LPs in the 80's under the name Cyril. After a break of many years, he started again recording wuth a new composer, Lino Buttice, who allowed him to produce several singles since 1996 under Cyril Alexy's pen name. In 2010 he contacted Art Sullivan, a successful singer of the 70's whom he admired since his childhood and started working with him. The singer, still very popular in Belgium and Portugal, gave Cyril the opportunity to record a new album in 2012 : L'homme que l'on devient (The man we become). In the mean time Cyril Alexy also works with other people from the internet and has recorded several singles of pop electro music while keeping his vocal signature : androgynous and sensitive.