Jón Kr Ólafsson - Haustlauf


Review by Giovanni Bortoli

Album Review: Haustlauf by Jón Kr. Ólafsson – A Folk-Pop Journey That Feels Like Home Let’s cut to the chase: Haustlauf is one of those albums that sneaks up on you like an Icelandic breeze—gentle at first but leaves you all kinds of stirred up afterward. Released in 2003 by Jón Kr. Ólafsson (who also happens to be the label boss, because why not?), this gem blends folk, world, country, and pop into a sound that feels both timeless and deeply personal. The style leans heavily vocal, which makes sense considering Jón’s voice has the kind of warmth that could melt a glacier—or at least make you wanna hug someone. Now, I’m not gonna pretend every track will slap for everyone, but there are two songs here that stuck with me like gum under a table: "Gleymdu Því Aldrei" and "Haustlauf." Let me break it down for ya. First off, “Gleymdu Því Aldrei” hits different. It's got this soft, nostalgic vibe, like flipping through old photos of people you miss but can’t quite place anymore. The melody wraps around you like a wool sweater your grandma knit—you know, the slightly itchy one she made with love anyway. And Jón’s vocals? Dude sounds like he’s whispering secrets from another lifetime. You don’t even need to understand Icelandic to feel what he’s saying; it’s just… human. By the end, I found myself humming along like some sort of Viking bard wannabe. Then there’s the title track, “Haustlauf,” which is basically autumn bottled into four minutes of pure magic. If fall had a soundtrack—and let’s face it, pumpkin spice lattes ain’t cutting it—this would be it. There’s something about the way the instrumentation builds, layer upon layer, until you’re practically walking through crunchy leaves and crisp air yourself. Plus, the lyrics have this bittersweet edge, like remembering summer while knowing winter’s lurking right around the corner. Spoiler alert: winter always wins in Iceland. Other tracks like “Komdu í Kvöld” and “Ég Er Frjáls” keep the cozy vibes going strong, though they don’t hit as hard as my faves. Still, the whole album flows together so smoothly, it feels more like hanging out with an old friend than listening to music. Even the random Christmas tune (“Jólakvöld”) doesn’t feel out of place—it’s quirky enough to work, kinda like finding a sheep in your living room. Here’s the kicker: Haustlauf isn’t trying too hard to impress anyone. It’s unapologetically itself, flaws and all. And maybe that’s why it works. Listening to it feels like stepping into a tiny Icelandic village where everyone knows each other’s business—not in a creepy way, but in a comforting “we’re all in this together” kinda way. So yeah, if you’re looking for polished production or chart-topping bangers, this probably ain’t your jam. But if you want something real—a little messy, a lot heartfelt, and dripping with soul—then give Haustlauf a spin. Just don’t blame me when you start booking flights to Reykjavik. Oh, and fun fact: Arnarfjörður (the last track) is named after a fjord in Iceland. Makes sense, since listening to this album feels like staring at nature’s beauty while questioning your life choices. Coincidence? I think not.

Table of Contents


Filename: jn-kr-lafsson-haustlauf.zip
  • MP3 size: 79.2 mb
  • FLAC size: 692.4 mb


Nú Er Nótt
Ég Er Frjáls
Gleymdu Því Aldrei
Í Faðmi Dalsins
Komdu Kæra Vina
Mikið Var Gaman Að Því
Komdu í Kvöld
Ég Gleymi Því Aldrei


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Catalog Numbers

JKR 001


Jón Kr. Ólafsson

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  • Same No and Barcode. Jón Kr. Ólafsson ‎– Kvöldkyrrð.
  • JKR 001 / 5 690738 276324


Barcode: 5 690738 276324

About Jón Kr Ólafsson

Jón Kristján Ólafsson (fæddur á Bíldudal 22. ágúst 1940, í húsi sem nefnt var Nes) er íslenskur söngvari. Fyrstu skref sín sem söngvari steig Jón Kr. í kirkjunni á Bíldudal hjá sóknarprestinum, séra Jóni Kr. Ísfeld. Fimmtán ára var hann kominn úr mútum og í kór kirkjunnar sem hann svo stýrði frá sextánda ári. Kórstarfi sinnti Jón Kr. af alúð fram undir aldamótin síðustu. Jón Kr. gerðist poppari 1962 er hann gekk til liðs við hina rómuðu hljómsveit Facon. Það samtarf entist ein sjö ár og lauk 1969 með hinu vinsæla lagi: Ég er frjáls. Þá var hann á besta aldri og röddin aldrei betri svo hann flutti sig um set til Reykjavíkur og hóf upp raust sína á betri skemmtistöðum borgarinnar svo sem Hótel Borg og Hótel Sögu þar sem hann söng um nokkurra ára skeið. Það var svo árið 1983 sem SG-hljómplötur gáfu út stóra plötu með Jóni Kr. þar sem hann syngur kunn einsöngslög við undirleik Ólafs Vignis Albertssonar.

Real Name

    • Jón Kristján Ólafsson

Interesting fact about Album

Here’s something cool: The album *Haustlauf* by Jón Kr. Ólafsson is like a time capsule of Icelandic culture. Released in 2003, it blends folk, pop, and world music styles with heartfelt vocal performances. What makes it special is how personal it feels—Jón self-released it under his own label. Tracks like "Komdu í Kvöld" and "Arnarfjörður" evoke a sense of nostalgia and connection to Iceland’s landscapes and traditions. It’s not just an album; it’s almost like a love letter to the country’s soul.