Umaturman - В Городе N


Review by Luis Guzman

Album Review: В Городе N by Umaturman – A Witty Dive into Pop-Rock Eccentricity Alright, buckle up, folks. We’re diving into В Городе N, the 2004 Russian-Ukrainian gem from Umaturman that’s equal parts poetry, soft rock, and a dash of "what did I just listen to?" chaos. With genres spanning Pop, Non-Music (yep, you read that right), and Rock, this album is like your quirky uncle who insists on telling bad jokes at family dinners—it’s weird but oddly lovable. First off, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: “Ума Турман.” Oh boy. This track comes in three versions—Original, Tarantino Version, and another Tarantino Version (because why not?). It's catchy as heck, with Vladimir Kристовский’s vocals riding smoothly over some killer guitar riffs courtesy of Sergey Kристовский. The song feels like Quentin Tarantino decided to make an indie film about Russian nightlife—chaotic yet stylish. You’ll find yourself humming it while stuck in traffic or trying to figure out if Uma Thurman inspired the title. Spoiler alert: she probably did. Then there’s “Реклама,” which might be my favorite guilty pleasure on the album. It’s got this cheeky vibe, like someone took all their frustrations with late-night infomercials and turned them into a pop-rock anthem. The lyrics are clever without being pretentious, poking fun at consumer culture with lines sharp enough to cut through a Tide commercial (pun intended because they also have a song literally called “Tide”). Honestly, it’s the kind of track that makes you want to grab a beer, sit back, and laugh at life for a bit. Now, let’s not forget the crew behind this madness. Sergey Kристовский isn’t just playing guitar—he’s doing backing vocals, programming, arranging, and probably fetching coffee too. Props to him for wearing so many hats he could open his own millinery shop. And shoutout to producer Alyona Mikhailova and Liana Meladze for keeping things together when it sounds like they could’ve easily spiraled into musical anarchy. What strikes me most about В Городе N is how unapologetically chaotic it is. Tracks like “А Не Поесть Ли” feel like random thoughts scribbled on napkins during a caffeine-fueled brainstorming session. Meanwhile, songs like “Мой Друг Лучше Всех Играет Блюз” bring a laid-back charm that reminds me of those nights where you end up talking nonsense with friends until sunrise. But here’s the kicker—the whole thing works. Somehow, this patchwork quilt of styles and moods creates something uniquely memorable. Maybe it’s the mix of humor, introspection, and sheer audacity. Or maybe it’s just the fact that no one else would dare put out an album with two versions of the same song AND a poem thrown in for good measure. So, if you’re looking for something different—something that doesn’t take itself too seriously but still delivers solid tunes—give В Городе N a spin. Just don’t blame me if you start craving borscht and existential crises afterward. Who knew listening to an album could feel like hanging out with a bunch of sarcastic poets?

Download Umaturman - В Городе N
Artist: Umaturman
Album: В Городе N
Rating: 4.0

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 339.7 mb
  • FLAC size: 1947.9 mb


Эй, Толстый
Опять Про Женщин0:34
Ночной Дозор (Film Version)3:52
В Пролесье
Прасковья (Radio Mix)2:59
Ума Турман
Объясни Мне3:45
Про Женщин0:20
О, Жизнь1:20
Ума Турман (Original Version)4:15
Здравствуй, Дорогая2:55
Мой Друг Лучше Всех Играет Блюз
Прасковья (Latrack Mix)2:25
Ума Турман (Tarantino Version)4:09
Ночной Дозор3:46
А Не Поесть Ли0:21
Может Быть, Получится
Ты Далеко
Ты Ушла3:33
Раненный В Висок5:00
Просковья (Radio Mix)
В Столовке0:49
Ни Кола, Ни Дачки3:45
Раненый В Висок
Рис И Борщик0:13
Кто-то В Городе
Ума Турман (Тарантино Version)4:09
О Ней0:29


UMA2RMAH - Ума Турман
UMA2RMAN - Прасковья (Официальный клип. Май 2003)


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Catalog Numbers

  • JRC 04137-1
  • VT 003-2
  • JRC 04137-2
  • VT 003-4
  • BCS 1311
  • VT 003-9, VT 003-0
  • 4612451955823


  • JRC, Moon Records
  • Velvet Music
  • JRC, Містерія Звука Україна, Moon Records
  • Sound Plus
  • Not On Label (Umaturman)

Listen online

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  • online luisteren
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  • Cassette
  • Album
  • CD
  • CDr
  • Unofficial Release
  • Album DVD
  • DVD-Video
  • DVD
  • PAL


Distributed ByMoon Records
Phonographic Copyright (p)ТОВ Алегро (JRC)
Copyright (c)М/Арт Music
Manufactured ByЗАО "СБС-Рекордз"
Recorded AtТонмейстер
Pressed ByООО "Минэлла"


ProducerАлёна Михайлова, Лиана Меладзе
Backing VocalsСергей Кристовский
GuitarСергей Кристовский
KeyboardsСергей Кристовский
Arranged ByСергей Кристовский
Programmed ByСергей Кристовский
BassГеннадий Ульянов
DesignOboz Design Studio
Music ByВладимир Кристовский
Lyrics ByВладимир Кристовский
Photography ByВасилий Кудрявцев
Recorded ByМаксим Сазонов
Mastered ByЕвгений Курицын
RemixЕвгений Курицын
VocalsВладимир Кристовский


  • Для розповсюдження тільки на території України
  • For distribution on the territory of Ukraine only
  • The tracks are consecutively numbered
  • (p) 2004 Первое музыкальное издательство.
  • CD comes with a 4-page booklet in a standard jewel case
  • Лицензия МПТР России ВАФ № 77-7
  • Super jewel-box or standard jewel-box with 12-page booklet and slipcase.
  • Music clips, photo gallery on DVD.
  • Прокатное удостоверение № 867413585 от 29.01.2005.


  • Other (State Standard): ДСТУ 3060-95
  • Mould SID Code: IFPI1L04
  • Matrix / Runout: VT 003-2 UMATURMAN В городе N
  • Barcode (Text): 4 607089 120030
  • Barcode (String): 4607089120030
  • Mould SID Code: IFPI UAC01
  • Matrix / Runout: JRC 04137-2 J.R.C. Joint Recording Company
  • Barcode (As Printed): 4 607089 140038
  • Other (State Standard): ГОСТ 20492-87
  • Other (Noise Reduction): Dolby HX Pro
  • Barcode: 4 60980-06754 5
  • Mould SID Code (CD): IFPI ZR03
  • Mould SID Code (DVD): IFPI ZR22
  • Barcode: 4607089190033
  • Barcode: 4612451955823
  • Matrix / Runout: 4612457855138 лиц. МПТР России ВАФ № А-2-442 Ума Турман "В городе N"
  • Mastering SID Code: IFPI UN 38

About Umaturman

Umaturman, or Uma2rмаН, is a band that consists of the brothers Kristovskiy. Both brothers were born in Нижний Новгород (Nizhny Novgorod). Сергей Евгеньевич Кристовский (Sergey Evgenievich Kristovskiy) was born on July 31. 1970, and Владимир Евгеньевич Кристовский (Vladimir Evgenievich Kristovskiy) on December 19. 1975. The band name is actually derived from the famous actress Uma Thurman. Uma is the favourite actress of the brothers and one song is actually called Uma Thurman, which can be labelled as a tribute to Uma.n

Real Name

    • Владимир & Сергей Кристовский (Vladimir & Sergey Kristovskiy)

Name Vars

  • Uma2Rmah
  • Uma2Rman
  • Uma2man
  • Uma2rmaH
  • Uma2rmah
  • Uma2rman
  • Uma2rmaН
  • Uma2rmaн
  • Uma2rmаn
  • Uma2urman
  • Umat2rman
  • Гр. Uma2rman
  • Группа \
  • Гурт «Uma2rmaН»
  • Не Нашего Мира
  • Ума Турман
  • УмаТурман
  • Уматурман


  • Владимир Кристовский
  • Сергей Кристовский

Interesting fact about Album

Here's an interesting fact about the album *В Городе N* by Umaturman: The album is like a one-man show, with Сергей Кристовский wearing multiple hats. He handled backing vocals, guitar, keyboards, arrangements, and programming. It’s rare to see one person contribute so much to a project, but he made it work. The result? A mix of poetry, pop rock, and soft rock that feels personal yet universal. Another fun detail: the track "Ума Турман" has three versions—Original, Tarantino, and Тарантино Version. Quentin Tarantino would probably appreciate the nod, even if he never heard it!


Вы самые лючшие,, ?????
неприятный был для меня тот год
хотя к октябрю тогда более-менее для меня всё наладилось
Этой песне уже почти 20 лет но какая в ней ностальгия!!!?
С детства моя любимая группа Уматурман, раньше всегда как с папой на рыбалку ездили включали эти песни, теперь это уже стало традицией
Есть кто 2023? :)
Всем привет из 2023)))
Всем счастья! =)
Эх!!! Да каждой такой Прасклви да по бандюку крутому!!!! Шутка но от души с Питера!!!!! Счастья всем!!! =)
Спасибо за детство)