近藤 浩治 - ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ オリジナルサウンドトラック The Legend Of Zelda Original Sound Track


Review by Marnee Masales

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Original Soundtrack – A Nostalgic Blast from Hyrule Let’s cut to the chase—this soundtrack is straight-up iconic. Released in 1998 by Pony Canyon, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Original Soundtrack by 近藤 浩治 (Koji Kondo) isn’t just background music; it’s an emotional rollercoaster that pulls you into the world of Hyrule like nothing else. If you’ve ever played the game or even heard these tracks out of context, they stick with you. Like, forever. Take “Zelda’s Theme” (ゼルダ姫のテーマ), for example. This track hits different every time I hear it. It’s got this regal yet mysterious vibe, like you’re walking through a castle corridor trying not to trip over your own cape while sneaking glances at Princess Zelda. The melody feels hopeful but kinda bittersweet too, as if it knows something big and dramatic is about to go down—and spoiler alert, it usually does. Every note screams “epic adventure,” and honestly? That flute riff still gives me goosebumps. Then there’s “Horse Race” (競馬). Oh man, this one’s wild. You know those moments when you’re galloping across Hyrule Field on Epona, wind rushing past your face, dodging fences like a total badass? Yeah, this song makes all that happen. It’s fast-paced, chaotic, and ridiculously fun. But here’s the thing—it’s also stressful AF because you know Link’s gonna screw up at some point and send you flying off a cliff. Still, it’s impossible not to hum along to this tune after hearing it once. What really stands out about this soundtrack is how much personality each track has. Whether it’s the eerie vibes of “Shadow Temple” or the chill, folksy feel of “Kokiri Forest,” every piece tells its own little story. And don’t get me started on the ocarina tunes—they’re basically earworms designed to haunt your brain forever. I mean, who can forget “Epona’s Song”? Not me, apparently. Looking back, what blows my mind is how timeless this album feels. Sure, it came out in 1998, but listening to it now feels like stepping into a warm, nostalgic hug. Like…how did Koji Kondo make pixelated cows and blocky trees sound so epic? Beats me. Maybe he’s secretly a wizard or something. Anyway, if you haven’t listened to this soundtrack yet, do yourself a favor and hit play. Just be warned—you might end up spending hours reminiscing about old-school Zelda instead of doing whatever you were supposed to do today. Oops!

Download 近藤 浩治 - ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ オリジナルサウンドトラック The Legend Of Zelda Original Sound Track
Artist: 近藤 浩治
Album: ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ オリジナルサウンドトラック The Legend Of Zelda Original Sound Track
Rating: 4.5

Table of Contents


Filename: the-legend-of-zelda-original-sound-track.zip
  • MP3 size: 606.8 mb
  • FLAC size: 3878.6 mb


Boss Battle = ボス戦闘1:20
Great Fairy's Fountain = 大妖精の泉0:36
Serenade Of Water = オカリナ「水のセレナーデ」0:20
Hyrule Field Main Theme = ハイラル平原メインテーマ4:44
Requiem Of Spirit = オカリナ「魂のレクイエム」0:24
Fairy Ocarina Get = 妖精のオカリナゲットファンファーレ0:12
Middle Boss Battle = 中ボス戦闘1:07
Sheik's Theme = シークのテーマ0:31
Master Sword = マスターソード0:13
Ganondorf Battle = ガノンドロフ戦闘1:13
Enter Ganondorf = ガノンドロフ登場0:14
Escape From Ganon's Castle = ガノン城脱出0:34
Kakariko Village Orchestra Ver. = カカリコ村21:45
Horse Race = 競馬0:47
Open Treasure Box = 宝箱0:11
Title Theme = タイトル1:20
Windmill Hut = 風車小屋0:53
Prelude Of Light = オカリナ「光のプレリュード」0:19
Shop = お店1:08
Medal Get Fanfare = メダルゲットファンファーレ0:15
Escape From Lon Lon Ranch = ロンロン牧場脱出0:10
Inside The Deku Tree = デグの樹ダンジョン1:28
End Credits = スタッフロール7:09
Dinosaur Boss Battle = 恐竜系ボス戦闘1:08
Mini Game = ミニゲーム0:33
Last Battle = ガノン最終戦2:11
Market = 城下町1:00
Spiritual Stone Get = 精霊石ゲットファンファーレ0:17
Gerudo Valley = ゲルドの谷1:35
Small Item Catch = 小アイテムキャッチファンファーレ0:05
Horse Race Goal = 競馬ゴール0:06
Ocarina "Song Of Time" = オカリナ「時の歌」0:13
Fairy Flying = 妖精ナビィ0:24
Dodongo's Cavern = ドドンゴの洞窟0:47
Inside Ganon's Castle = ガノンの塔3:26
Ocarina "Zelda's Lullaby" = オカリナ「ゼルダの子守歌」0:13
Goron City = ゴロンシティ1:38
Potion Shop = 薬屋0:53
Kakariko Village = カカリコ村1:45
Temple Of Time = 時の神殿1:19
Fire Temple = 炎の神殿0:43
Hyrule Castle Courtyard = ハイラル城中庭ゲーム0:54
House = 家の中0:36
Forest Temple = 森の神殿1:53
Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly = ジャブジャブ様0:35
Kokiri Forest = コキリの森1:01
Ocarina "Song Of Storms" = オカリナ「嵐の歌」0:08
Ocarina Of Time = 時のオカリナ0:32
Ganon's Castle Bridge = ガノン城への橋0:22
Ganondorf's Theme = ガノンドロフのテーマ0:41
Deku Tree = デクの樹のテーマ0:37
Ingo's Theme = インゴーのテーマ0:39
Lost Woods = 迷いの森0:39
Ocarina "Saria's Song" = オカリナ「サリアの歌」0:09
Zelda's Theme = ゼルダ姫のテーマ0:50
Legend Of Hyrule = ハイラル伝説1:59
Seal Of Six Sages = 六賢者封印0:29
Bolero Of Fire = オカリナ「炎のボレロ」0:21
Ice Cavern = 氷の洞窟0:45
Water Temple = 水の神殿1:45
Zora's Domain = ゾーラの里1:31
Meet Again Zelda = ゼルダ姫との再会0:52
Boss Clear = ボスクリアファンファーレ0:13
Shadow Temple = 闇の神殿1:46
Spirit Temple = 魂の神殿2:58
Lon Lon Ranch = ロンロン牧場2:09
Nocturne Of Shadow = オカリナ「闇のノクターン」0:23
Game Over = ゲームオーバー0:10
Open Door Of Temple Of Time = 時の扉0:16
Heart Container Get = ハートの器ゲットファンファーレ0:06
Ocarina "Sun's Song" = オカリナ「太陽の歌」0:07
Shooting Gallery = 的当て屋0:39
Enter Zelda = ゼルダ姫登場0:07
Hyrule Field Morning Theme = ハイラル平原朝のテーマ0:37
Item Catch = アイテムキャッチファンファーレ0:05
Chamber Of The Sages = 賢者の間1:43
Ganon's Castle Under Ground = ガノン城地下0:54
Battle = 戦闘1:07
Ocarina "Epona's Song" = オカリナ「エポナの歌」0:10
Kotake & Koume's Theme = コタケ、コウメのテーマ0:53
Minuet Of Woods = オカリナ「森のメヌエット」0:18
Kepora Gebora's Theme = ケポラ・ゲボラのテーマ1:01


Windmill Hut - Koji Kondo (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Original Sound Track
Title Theme - Koji Kondo (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Original Sound Track)


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Catalog Numbers



Pony Canyon

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Title translation: The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Original Sound Track


  • Barcode: 4 988013 857032
  • Matrix / Runout: PCCG-00475 MT A04
  • Other: IFPI L261
  • Other: IFPI 4470

About 近藤 浩治

ق Japanese composer, born on August 13, 1960 in Nagoya, Japan. Affiliated with Nintendo. Best known for his musical works on The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. games for Nintendo.

Real Name

    • Kōji Kondō = ࿑פ൩಻ (S“iF SFX)

Name Vars

  • K. Kondo
  • Kohji Kondo
  • Konchan
  • Kondo
  • Kouji Kondou
  • Kōji Kondō
  • ࿑פ ൩಻
  • ࿑פ൩಻

Interesting fact about Album

Did you know? The soundtrack for *The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time* is considered one of the greatest video game soundtracks ever made. Composed by 近藤 浩治 (Koji Kondo), it was released in 1998 in Japan under the label Pony Canyon. What makes it special isn’t just the nostalgic tunes but how each track, like "Zelda’s Lullaby" or "Ganon’s Theme," tells its own story. It’s wild to think that iconic songs like "Song of Storms" started here and became part of gaming history!