- Name: Kevin
- Surname: Envik
- About Me: I'm a 27-year-old who has suffered from bipolar disorder for over a decade now. During most of this time I've generally avoided revealing my illness to people. The ignorance and prejudice, I found, were too hard to face. Many people don't understand that mental illness, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder etc. are outside the range of normal human experience. Thus people ask callous questions: are you sure you need pills? Why can't you just get over it? They say callous things: It's just an excuse for not getting a job. That one really hurts.
But I've decided this approach isn't very helpful, not for me, or for other sufferers. Instead I endeavour to openly share my experience with and opinions on mental illness in the hopes that it will raise awareness and fight stigma. If enough of us choose to be open, instead of "hiding in the closet," I believe we change perceptions and create an environment that is accepting and truly conducive to recovery.
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